Example sentences of "[adj] party to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Greens may have acted as catalysts in the green revolution , and their success in the Euro-election undoubtedly awoke the mainstream parties to the extent of the stirrings in the electoral loam , but they no more held a patent on green ideas than feminists did on equal rights for women .
2 The role of an MAS specialist , in addition to helping a retained client through all stages of a proposed transaction , is to co-ordinate the delivery of other KPMG services , at the appropriate time , and to liaise with other professional parties to the transaction .
3 First , the market and third parties have a legitimate expectation to be entitled to rely on the validity of the Panel 's rules and decisions , and secondly , contemporaneous judicial review would only increase the possibility of delaying tactical litigation by an unscrupulous party to a bid in order to gain an advantage in the takeover process .
4 However , any conclusion that Portugal 's rights have indeed been violated must imply that Indonesia was not a proper party to the treaty , which must therefore be invalid .
5 Until a sane , liberal regime is restored within the party itself , it will not be fully re-equipped either to arrive at the right policy choices or to project itself as a responsive party to the electorate .
6 His aim in this and other speeches was not to indicate his solution to the crisis ( although that was often how his words were heard ) but to make an emotional connection with each of the major parties to the conflict ( the settlers , the Muslims , and the army ) as well as with the population at home .
7 President Reagan 's claim that ‘ No other nation is in a position to deal with the key parties to the conflict on the basis of trust and reliability' jarred with assessments in early 1982 that no more than 0.5 per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank considered the United States was ‘ helpful ’ to the Palestinians in the search for a solution , and only approximately 2 per cent in the territories believed the United States was serious about a peaceful solution to the Middle East .
8 In Chase Manhattan Bank NA v Israel-British Bank NA [ 1981 ] Ch 105 , a civil case , it was held that the innocent party to an overpayment retains an equitable right where the overpayment was brought about by a mistake of fact .
9 For example , the location of an aluminium smelter adjacent to a power station which is in turn adjacent to a coal mine ( and a source of cooling water ) seems logical but might be very much more difficult to arrange with three completely independent parties to the bargain than if the government and the smelter company alone are involved .
10 And there are provisions of a restitutionary character designed to restore the respective parties to the share transactions to their former positions .
11 A peasant put down his rough hoe and conducted the unexpected party to the village elder , who received their offering of gunpowder with formal thanks yet little surprise .
12 At this stage Castro , at least in public , was holding himself aloof from two disputing tendencies which had emerged from the various parties to the revolution .
13 There have been reports of extrajudicial executions , killings and mutilations of civilians or captured members of armed forces and of the torture or ill-treatment of people detained by the various parties to the conflict .
14 Difficulty may arise where the purposes of the various parties to the combination are different .
15 Once again he led the storming party to the checkout flourishing the swipe card .
16 But in the short term , the king was the only party to the dispute who benefited by it ; for it allowed him to display vigorous royal action within the county of Nevers .
17 As the dominant parties to the Peace Treaty the allies could insist upon the inclusion of the waiver clause which Germany was in no position to reject .
18 In 1982 , the Joint Liberal/SDP Commission for Constitutional Reform calculated that if in England there was , as compared to the 1979 general election , an even switch of votes from the Labour and Conservative Parties to the Alliance such that each of the three groupings secured 33 per cent of the vote , then the Alliance would still only gain 56 seats as compared to 207 for the Conservatives and 253 for Labour .
19 The one area of Conservative history which has flourished is political biography , but the danger of this is a tendency to reduce the history of the Conservative Party to a history of personalities and to avoid any analysis of Conservatism in terms of structures , interests and ideas .
20 It endorses the long-standing commitment of the Conservative party to the concept of nuclear deterrence , to a nuclear-armed NATO , to Britain 's own nuclear deterrent , to disarmament through negotiation on strength and to updating where necessary the weapon systems that the United Kingdom possesses .
21 For joint borrowers , protection is available for the first named party to the account — usually the main earner — but cover is available for both .
22 Joint borrowers enjoy protection on the first named party to the account , usually the main earner , but cover is available on both at additional cost — please ask your branch for details .
23 Will the Queen summon the leader of the largest single party to the Palace and ask him to form a government ?
24 Less frequently an utterance may meet with disagreement from the other parties to the conversation .
25 So in spite of it being a mid-turn switch , in this case we seem to have a different type of switch from the one in ( 6 ) , for the other parties to the conversation respond differently to it .
26 On the other hand , stretches of Creole embedded in a London English turn often correspond to the most salient parts of the utterance , those which the other parties to the conversation respond to .
27 In presenting the rationalisations and justifications a group offers for doing things as it does , we will seem to be accepting its rationalisations and justifications and accusing other parties to the transaction in the words of their opponents .
28 The basis of the debtor 's defence seems to be that the action is a fraud on the other parties to the contract to forbear from suing .
29 But , submitted Mr. Lloyd , the Hammonds , the other parties to the transfer , could not , by reason of their own fraud , raise an estoppel by deed .
30 Further , it is the current practice of AIB , at any rate , to provide more detailed factual information to representatives of those seeking to establish a claim on condition that the same information is made available to all other parties to the action including , of course , the potential defendants .
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