Example sentences of "[adj] way [prep] which we " in BNC.

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1 It is one of the devious ways in which we all can behave at times .
2 The manner in which one says or writes things , those public and therefore never totally adequate ways in which we seek to express our private or inner emotions , always has an implicit as well as an explicit content .
3 There are a number of different ways in which we can measure wealth .
4 This is one clear way in which we can recognise the clear distinction between the form of human personality and the form of divine personality .
5 It shows us some simple ways in which we can all join the drive for a better environment .
6 A. There are many obvious ways in which we use energy , or fuel .
7 His strength of character was invaluable in dealing with the guards and his commitment to his fellow hostages was such that he would listen quietly and matter of factly on the occasions when we all had a heart-to-heart about the little ways in which we got on each others ' nerves .
8 In fact , the defences and addictive attitudes described in the first chapter only illustrate the false ways in which we deal with ourselves .
9 Is there an objective way in which we can judge which is the truly best strategy , in a more general and less arbitrary sense ?
10 We have just taken a quick overall look at the situation , one that I hope will enable the reader to form a clear picture of the scope of the French nuclear programme and the unique way in which we implemented it .
11 Does he agree that one of the most useful ways in which we can give them know-how is to tell them how we managed , in the light of the Maastricht agreement , to reject the principle of monetary union ?
12 These new developments may affect the very way in which we grow our plants .
13 I then discuss various ways in which we can think about the relation between brain and behaviour .
14 It is therefore necessary to use some sort of classification to sort out the various ways in which we might approach the problems of observation .
15 It is true that the qualities of an object are only the various ways in which we or other minds are affected by it , and these affections are not the same in different objects , except in the sense in which the word same stands for exact similarity .
16 And er we can get by on lots of things and when an emergency does come , sometimes we can cope with it if it 's not too big a one , but other times it can catch up with us , simply because we are only sort of half awake so the purpose of the talk today is to try and help us all to see various ways in which we can stay awake in the truth physic er , er spiritually speaking .
17 Christ has called us to step out by faith and this is one very small way in which we can do so .
18 The only way in which we can help is having a Labour government that has a policy to secure verifiable arms reductions .
19 The only way in which we can achieve sovereignty is by sharing it .
20 The only way in which we can be convinced that the situation in South Africa is getting better is by abolishing all the racist laws , doing away with the whole system of apartheid , allowing every adult to be able to decide on their own future , in other words universal adult suffrage .
21 So yes , er I mean the difficulties of the Horton are a reflection of the kind of crazy way in which we allocate money within the N H S at the moment .
22 We seek to make such discussions as different as possible from the normal way in which we work .
23 ‘ There is a subtle way in which we are never given quite the full authority , never quite the full credit , never quite the full respect , ’ said one woman working for a big firm .
24 Erm this whole problem does give ministers erm a great deal of tension and heart searching erm and er we 're in the throws of , of , of looking for a leaflet that 's gon na help ministers faced with er parents who come and have to be turned away because we feel embarrassed , we feel erm the weight of our , our turning away people and our inability to minister the grace of God to them , although I 'd of thought gravity of but er anyway erm er but we have this problem and erm it seems to me that one way out of it is to pick up on what our brother from the Church of England said and look at new rites , and new ways in which we can open our arms to a public out there which is desperately in need of rites of passage .
25 While it is important that we take stock of and combat the fraudulent ways in which we are being described by those who oppose us , we should not be unmindful or insensitive to what we are saying about ourselves , of how we are describing who-we-are .
26 This same observation can be applied to other ways in which we are describing ourselves .
27 But there are many other ways in which we could act .
28 Our staff in any branch will be more than happy to advise you about other ways in which we can help — you , your family , your business .
29 For instance , if we happen to witness the fall from the cliff-top proposed above , there are many other ways in which we might think of the action apart from using the word acrobatic ; we might describe it as athletic , agile , amazing , swift , cat-like , or we might employ any of an indefinitely large number of similes along the lines of with the speed of a gibbon .
30 So we 've now got to go back and revisit it , he 's full up er , we 've got to look at his client , client load er and we 've got to find other ways in which we can actually service the due diligence work , still using him very much as the marketing focus to er the initiative and continue the the growth .
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