Example sentences of "[adj] way [prep] which he " in BNC.

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1 At some point or other the student of local history will encounter dates expressed in a variety of different ways with which he will have to become familiar .
2 Later , when they lay quiet and apart once more , Maria thought about his attitude , adding it to the oddly driven way in which he had just made love to her .
3 Though Booth 's study did produce categories of poverty which showed that many people who were in employment were still below the poverty line , and Rowntree 's work was memorable , not only for the detailed way in which he examined the financial needs of households , but also for his concepts of ‘ primary ’ and ‘ secondary ’ poverty and the ‘ poverty cycle ’ .
4 And they stood in a corner and drank them , and exchanged their names , at last : she much admired the clear way with which he presented his own .
5 Yes , but unlike Eliot and Empson , Pound — by the abrupt , brusque and aphoristic way in which he delivers his critical judgements — insists that we understand them as immediately spun off from the imaginative work , thrown over his shoulder , as it were , as he hurries from one part of the workshop to another .
6 As for my right hon. Friend 's personal position , may I express my admiration for the frank and manly way in which he has offered his resignation ?
7 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
8 Will my right hon. Friend contrast the judicious , prudent and honourable way in which he and his right hon. Friends are negotiating in the European talks with the cynical sell-out proposed by the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) ?
9 He tends not to formulate and face the difficulties that he encounters sufficiently rigorously , and erm to on the whole get away with difficulties by the skilful way in which he writes about them and by his wit .
10 She gasped at the easy way in which he took advantage of her lack of physical strength to fight him .
11 There were endless ways in which he could have made my activities seem a nuisance , positively damaging to our marriage , or — which would have been worst of all — merely trivial .
12 If it enabled the latter the crucial theoretical move of being able to reject the classical empiricist conception of knowledge , it was also to put him in the position of even castigating as ‘ historicist ’ any attempts to account for theoretical discourse in terms of its historical conditions of production — perhaps one of the major ways in which he differed from Canguilhem and Foucault .
13 She disliked the casual way in which he made decisions profoundly affecting other people 's lives — choosing whose tale of woe should be front page news , and whose story deserved nothing more than the wastepaper bin .
14 Will my hon. Friend accept my thanks for the helpful way in which he dealt with my representations on this subject ?
15 Not only am I happy to join my hon. Friend in congratulating that successful exporter , but I congratulate my hon. Friend on the energetic and effective way in which he has supported Beloit Walmsley in winning those contracts .
16 And I heard enough about the grisly ways in which he like to make sure his questions were answered .
17 He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp .
18 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
19 Not every critic was happy with Cagney and one can sense that the very way in which he worked out his screen identity irritated some people .
20 Especially on the second night , I had the feeling that he wanted to talk , and what made it the more interesting was the variety of his experiences and the mature way in which he alluded to them .
21 He disapproved of his bishop ( A. A. David ) for the tough way in which he handled three recalcitrant Anglo-Catholic priests who refused to conform to rules laid down by the bishop and yet did nothing about the radical dean of the cathedral who did things equally nonconforming in a Low Church direction .
22 I have been there nearly ten years now , and they are years in which I have grown to learn a good deal more about the power of the Holy Spirit , his gifts , his humbling and breaking , and the glorious way in which he takes and transforms congregations and lives from every conceivable background once opened to him .
23 Despite the cool way in which he had always spoken to her she had thought him different from other men .
24 Will my right hon. Friend convey to the Governor of Hong Kong my congratulations and those of the House on the skilful and successful way in which he has conducted the affairs of Hong Kong in difficult circumstances for the past five years ?
25 The plaintiff in such an action will be faced with a difficult task in establishing matters such as breach of duty and causation , but the action may be the only way in which he can obtain any compensation for the injury .
26 Nor was it the only way in which he was inadequate as a Christian ruler .
27 So the only way in which he can have any rights at all to Ricky apart from you agreeing , is to go to court himself , erm and I 'm inclined just to say lets see what he does .
28 Yet his collapse is partly his own fault : it is the flaws in Shah Jehan 's own character — his pride , his sexual gluttony and the unjust way in which he handles his children — that lead to his downfall .
29 It was like complimenting an assassin for the professional way in which he slides a stiletto under one 's ribs and into the heart .
30 And now , here she was , wherever here was , with a woman , short and comfortable , who possessed a kind face , and a man who was none of these things , judging by the coolly impersonal way in which he spoke to her .
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