Example sentences of "[adj] people [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 For , having barely embarked on their first Industrial Revolution , many Third World nations tend to regard their tribal peoples with the same antagonism which caused the " maturer " nations to extinguish theirs just a century earlier .
2 Most of the surveys showing that unemployed people are less healthy than the employed are cross-sectional in nature ( comparing different people at the same time , rather than following the changes in people 's lives over a period of time ) .
3 Thus , although until recently the position of those who are tended by and ‘ tend ’ old people in the same household has been too little discussed and merits more sensitive and systematic consideration , there is a similar need for informed debate about nearly three-quarters of elderly people in the UK who live separately from younger people .
4 Police believe his attackers may have robbed at least nine old people in the same area .
5 Further analyses by age and marital status showed that married people less often spent any time in residential homes than single or previously married people of the same age .
6 In 1981 the executive committee directed that the BDN , which had hitherto performed the dual role of addressing the hearing public on behalf of deaf people at the same time as serving deaf readers , should in future primarily be a paper for BDA members and the deaf community as a whole .
7 Eight potentially matching people with the same or similar names but missing or incomplete dates of birth were eliminated as true matches after thorough cross checking .
8 To view this situation as ‘ normal ’ is unacceptable , especially when other people of the same age do not suffer in this way , and when there is considerable evidence that much can be done to overcome or alleviate the handicap .
9 When the assistant is serving you , he may also be serving two or three other people at the same time and holding a conversation with yet another .
10 Differently-priced packages offer different features , for example , the ability to copy in a number of other people on the same transmission .
11 ‘ It has been a long wait in a queue behind many other people with the same idea who wanted new homes in their neighbourhoods , but it has definitely been worth it .
12 On the one hand , there is certainly a resistance to change and to new ideas ; academics appear quite happy to continue teaching the same old syllabuses as if there had been no ‘ explosion ’ ( Dr P 's word ) in English studies ; at the same time , there is no resistance to allowing other people within the same department to teach quite different things to students , and to do quite different types of research .
13 It was extremely difficult for me to write down one good characteristic about myself , let alone ten , and it was quite evident that whereas I saw myself as perpetually black , I saw my wife , Joyce as shining white and a lot of other people in the same colour .
14 He has either direct , individualised relations with other people in the same social environment , or the means to put such relations on an individualised basis .
15 It also makes sense to ask around among other people in the same field to see if you can pick up any extra information about the firm .
16 Other people In the same way as you are insured , we will insure any person you allow to use your caravan .
17 It always helps to attend a group where you get the support of other people in the same situation as yourself .
18 ‘ And as it is the first case to come up in Scotland , it could help other people in the same circumstances . ’
19 ‘ There 's a lot of other people after the same thing , ’ Gloria explained .
20 Many are noisy , dirty , and uninformed , as are many adults , but they may be bright and attractive people at the same time .
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