Example sentences of "[adj] even in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The money was demanded by the state from the citizen and the inequalities of the parties ' respective positions is manifest even in the case of a major financial institution like Woolwich .
2 She was trembling uncontrollably beneath him as he levered her knees wide to accommodate his strength , his shaft probing the tight , delicate sweetness of her , the glitter of triumph in his eyes unmistakable even in the half-light in the bedroom .
3 In consequence the wealth of research contained in the bibliographies I have mentioned often fails to follow through the deep structures of police culture or establish the ways in which the culture is self-sustaining even in the face of calls for social change .
4 That area was dark and gloomy even in the daytime , with doors leading to permanently locked rooms , padlocked cupboards and deep curtained alcoves .
5 Reminders of this are visible even in the decor of the red-light quarter .
6 New east-west fold mountains immediately began to be destroyed again , producing mountains of conglomerate such as the fantastic shapes of Montserrat , near Barcelona ( plate 8.1 ) which is remarkable even in a country of conglomerates like Spain .
7 In Cyrenaica , then , the social and economic pattern was agricultural , and to a degree which was thought remarkable even in a world not familiar with alternatives to agricultural economies ( p. 13 ) .
8 Actually I like my showers cold even in the morning .
9 In extreme cases , unjustified delay can render a dismissal unfair even in a case where a similar penalty would have been legitimate had management not dragged its feet .
10 For there really is something a little odd surrealist even in the idea of a folding-leaf Dining ( Bird ) Table , where the flaps are made to beat up and down like the wings of a bird .
11 In longer established severe infections signs are present even in the resting dog .
12 These were important even in the run-up to Suez .
13 His strength was evident even in the distance .
14 I mean he er he used to as regular as clock work but I say , and I have had those times when he comes four o'clock- ish even in the afternoon .
15 ‘ It would , of course , ’ Theda agreed , able even in the pain he had caused her to understand now why Benedict had never trusted his godmother .
16 Hence , speculating against ERM parities can be profitable even in the absence of fundamental competitiveness problems , a fact illustrated most recently by Spain .
17 The waves there are small even in a storm .
18 His music in general reflects his character , which we know from his letters and from the diagnosis of his friend , the Court doctor Thomas Mermann , to have been manic-depressive ; and comparable extremes are apparent even in the vocabulary of his church music .
19 Amanda had been all enthusiastic even in the rain , saying it was spray in her face and look at the gulls , which were swooping down on the shoal of crisp packets and orange peel trailing in the wake .
20 The scenery is spectacular with rugged mountains , hidden sandy beaches , tree covered hills , cool and green even in the heat of summer , groves of olive trees , vineyards full of birdsong and always in the background , the bright blue sea .
21 She drifted outside , restless even in the garden — was it too ordered ?
22 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
23 Secondly , the rising cost of raw materials ( chapter 12 ) tended to increase scrapping by making old plants unprofitable even in the absence of a faster growth of product wages .
24 The ‘ Moonlight ’ Sonata is impetuous even in the opening sostenuto first movement , and his Carnaval is flighty , skittish and full of character .
25 Huntington Castle , an early seventeenth-century mansion , is bizarre even in a country that takes pride in the eccentric .
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