Example sentences of "[adj] only [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The two-layer structure will be stable only if the density of the cool , clear upper layer is less than the bulk density of the sedimenting lower layer .
2 Such an expectation would be unreasonable with container ships or with general cargo vessels , where hundreds of bills of lading may have to be issued , and the issuance of final documentation is often possible only after the vessel has departed from the place of shipment .
3 Power over the inclinations of the fallen ‘ flesh ’ is possible only when the Spirit is given control by our act of deliberate choice .
4 And the accompanying growth and refinement of categorial conventions is possible only because the system users have higher order beliefs and intentions .
5 However , self-build schemes are really possible only where a number of energetic persons , usually young , coincide .
6 Errors in searching are possible only if the searcher chooses the wrong subject heading in the published lists ; this too is regarded as an unlikely event .
7 Such matters are to a great extent determined conventionally by syntax , and become noticeably expressive only when a writer makes a graphological choice which is to some degree marked or unconventional , such as a deliberate misspelling .
8 The Entrance Examination produced the usual number of candidates ( about 350 ) , but of these half would be interested only if a bursary or some other sort of aided place could be provided .
9 The National Association of Pension Funds would prefer to see executive share options exercisable only if the share price has out-performed a suitable benchmark , such as the FTA All Share Index .
10 That is most evident with out-of-the-money puts , exercisable only when the peseta touches an exchange rate lower than current forward rates .
11 In my elevated state I was afraid only that the cop might search us and discover the Dexedrine in Dana 's pocket .
12 So the decision in the Factories Act case was justifiable only if the Act was regarded as not plain .
13 Again , it would have been professional suicide for a civil servant to describe the indignities of derangement and to represent himself as having been mad , unless the facts were as well known to his colleagues and masters as he says they were ; while to try , on the other hand , to put his known condition in a better light , as Hoccleve does , is sensible only if the fact of his illness was well known but his recovery less well recognised , which is what he claims .
14 This answer would be fully acceptable only if the speaker is fully aware of his situation and can do nothing at present to ease it .
15 These blobs are called sunspots , and they appear dark only because the rest of the Sun is so incandescent : the matter ( or plasma , as it should more correctly be called ) inside a sunspot , if transported to Earth , would give off greater brilliance than any arc-lamp .
16 Legally and formally , the authority for the raising of most revenue is annual only and the authority needs to be renewed each year .
17 The use of such terminology is , however , appropriate only when a relationship between behaviour and contingent events has been empirically demonstrated .
18 To ‘ sigh ’ two-note groups seem to me appropriate only when the music really expresses a sigh !
19 The statement explained that war resistance was appropriate only if the Government engaged in military action unsanctioned by the League — a qualification that is nowhere to be found in Trevelyan 's resolution .
20 General grants would be appropriate only if the grantor felt that all local services were merit goods .
21 The Commission , however , raised the possibility that importers ( e.g. an auctioneer ) could benefit from the temporary importation arrangements : VAT would be payable only if the item were sold , and it would be deductible .
22 The fell road continues ahead , rising above its wooded surroundings to climb gradually , between walls , to a desolate moorland , colourful only when the heather is in bloom .
23 Privilege is either " absolute " — a complete defence , or " qualified " , ie lost only if the speaker or reporter is actuated by malice .
24 This ‘ RG ’ equipment ( see Appendix 3 ) sent a beam of' invisible infra-red light from an Aldis-type lamp , the signal being visible only when the beam was on the little black box camera-sized receiver with a screen which , when the beam was intercepted , showed a green spot against speckle of' green pin-pricks of infra-red light from the stars .
25 The prizes are as stated only and no cash alternatives will be given .
26 the misleading price indication related to a recommended price , which did not apply to the price at which the item was available from the defendant , and which the defendant could reasonably believe was generally being charged , and which was false only because a supplier was not following the recommendation .
27 In the same way , the contrasting development of the Western European societies may also become comprehensible only as the outcome of distinctive political , religious or other forces working within a particular mode of production .
28 They will go on doing so , but they can be effective only if the fighting which seems to have broken out and the looting that I described cease .
29 The method is , however , applicable only if the investigator has extremely clear goals in mind , already well worked out in advance , and a major disadvantage is the very limited nature of the data which it is capable of yielding .
30 The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless .
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