Example sentences of "[adj] make [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the costs at the home you prefer are greater than the fees payable by the Social Work Department , your placement will be dependent on a third party being willing to make up the difference , ie a relative , a charity or a trust .
2 Normally , New Scientist heralds the beginning of April with a few jeux d'esprit , but this year it was subdued , predicting only that the world would come to an end on 5 April , a prophecy based on meat consumption figures , though it was hard to make up the mind about an item called ‘ What the woodlouse can teach us about marriage ’ .
3 Luke Harvey put Katabatic under strong pressure , but never looked likely to make up the leeway and was five lengths down at the finish .
4 many ear that when the Home office cuts its grant from next April , local authorities wo n't be able to make up the shortfall .
5 They were able to make out the locomotive 's smoke-box and cab , and the glare of the fire reflecting through the spectacle plate on the cab front .
6 With government , central or regional , unable to make up the difference between parents ' ability to pay and the needs of schools , sharp differences in quality of education are inevitable .
7 The orders were very strict that one could not move off until the oil temperature was above the minimum and on this occasion I was quite determined to make up the time .
8 However , it seems fairly certain that the Moon is depleted in iron with respect to the Earth , not only in iron alone but also in iron-rich compounds because iron and these compounds are too dense to be sufficiently abundant to make up the iron abundance to that of the Earth .
9 But Soviet deputy farm minister N Averyanov said they would find it difficult to make up the deficit from imports because of the lack of hard currency .
10 In the dim light it was difficult to make out the illustration .
11 This aims to produce an annual income looking fifty years ahead which must be sufficient to make up the operating deficit .
12 However , where the contribution , if any , is not sufficient to make up the difference , the Legal Aid Board has a first charge on any property , including money , recovered or preserved by the assisted party in the proceedings .
13 This was n't sufficient to make up the ground lost in the first half and the outcome for the year as a whole , you now see .
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