Example sentences of "[adj] about [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her twin sister Sally , of Penarth , South Glamorgan , south Wales , begged school-friends and neighbours not to feel guilty about sending her on the venture .
2 When Leith was not mutinying against him , she was alternately engaged — while still producing a fair output of work — in wondering if he had really been serious about taking her to Parkwood to meet Travis 's parents this weekend .
3 ‘ I think they were quite serious about leaving us at the time and thought they would get an objective opinion from Langford .
4 They 're not actually that im they 're not important about bringing them to faith .
5 So we do have a problem and and we need to grasp that the a conclusion talking about rolling programme we are concerned about resources we 're , we 're , we 're concerned about using them to the best advantage .
6 She had no intention of saying anything else ; in fact she had been quite undecided about answering him at all , but he looked just a bit too angry for outright defiance and he was decidedly bigger than she was .
7 Shared a house with other people ; was gay but so far reticent about discussing it in such a predominantly heterosexual group .
8 Nathan , on the other hand , we are sure , did not feel inferior as he served under David 's rule and was not the least bit reticent about confronting him with his sin .
9 On the Ukrainian tour , Houghton thought the band were too fervid about keeping it in the family .
10 Experience had taught Stirling that the RAF were generally much more co-operative about supplying him with reliable intelligence .
11 Saunderson is passionate about techno ; ardent about defending it to critics who argue it is soulless .
12 Only then will we be able to see what 's so special about observing them by being told them .
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