Example sentences of "[adj] for [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 TWO British actresses , Elizabeth Hurley and Lysette Anthony , have been short-listed for the leading female role in Gone With The Wind II : Scarlett .
2 Cool , refreshing pastel shades are just right for a long hot summer !
3 By October 1989 , therefore , the time was right for a concerted diplomatic initiative against drift-net fishing .
4 Erm I think the time is right for a big broad middle market paper to have such a publication .
5 The firebox and boiler of No. 3822 were equally packed out too , as WSR Driver Dave Williams and Fireman Gareth Winter had the engine just right for the first four-mile assault on Crowcombe Bank .
6 Significantly enough , her party dress for her opera outing at the end was exactly right for an ambitious Roman matron anxious to make bella figura , an elegant example of haute couture and the work of Joe Vanek , the designer , whose sets were also of a high standard , especially the backcloths .
7 Not only of course u u unfortunately of course and Sue , Sue mentions there are tragic exceptions to this and one tragic exception i is human beings because unfortunately it is possible for a male human being to force er a female at intercourse because we tend to do it lying down and males are bigger and stronger .
8 The problem is that the ‘ well-constructed ’ or ‘ textbook ’ ad is liable to be extremely boring unless it embodies a really good idea , and that it is possible for a skilled creative person to bend the ‘ rules ’ of construction in such a way as to make a moderately good idea look or sound much better .
9 Actually we were n't too happy with the back of the old barn , because although we 'd tried to plug up every hole in the stonework , it was still possible for a determined young owl to squeeze out here and there .
10 It appears entirely possible for a coronary artery to progress from one with hardly any narrowing to one which is completely blocked over a relatively short period of time ; and conversely , it is possible for a severe coronary stenosis to stay as a severe coronary stenosis without progressing for several years .
11 What is possible for a large suburban congregation is out of the question for a tiny congregation in a rural situation .
12 While reporting strong inquiry levels , he said orders were still quiet and warned it would not be possible for the European automated systems business to sustain its 1991 performance this year .
13 To avoid disruption it would be possible for the new statutory definition to apply only to new trusts , leaving the old law to continue to apply to old trusts by way of transition .
14 It is now possible for the one financial house to undertake a range of financial services which includes stock-broking , market making , banking , corporate finance , and investment management .
15 It is possible for the other European Community partners to over-rule France and they should do that .
16 Do you think that it 's possible for the big Italian museums to privatise their subsidiary functions without an advisory body of trustees , if only to assist museum administrators who have little experience of dealing with the commercial side ?
17 Under some conditions the determination of a strip number is very sensitive to movement of the test card , and it is possible for the announced approximate edge to lie in either of the two edge strips on either side .
18 Indeed … it is possible for the original instinctual representative to be split in two , one part undergoing repression , while the remainder , Precisely on account of this intimate connection , undergoes idealization ( xi .
19 The new look SWIFTAIR design is now the same as that used for the international express airmail services of Sweden , Ireland , Portugal and the Netherlands .
20 It is no longer wise or practicable for the odd senior local politician to ‘ pop-in ’ en route from one meeting to the next and ‘ have a look around ’ .
21 What no one had expected was that my xenophobic father should find himself first sorry for the poor little foreigner and then gradually — but quite irreversibly — falling in love with her .
22 He stuck hi and he get that wound up towards the end I felt sorry for the poor little soul !
23 Alix has always felt rather sorry for the poor competitive disappointed Ugly Sisters .
24 Travelling by train from Gatwick Airport to London , I felt sorry for the many foreign visitors struggling to follow the announcements made over the loudspeaker .
25 Mr Martinson was especially grateful for a modern medical process which may mean that his skin will repair without having skin grafts .
26 Leni had taken pity — more than pity — on the young woman who was so grateful for a friendly German voice and so bemused by the political carnival she had unleashed .
27 just one question that I was n't able to put on the Committee 's behalf , but I think it is something that we would be very grateful for a short written comment and that is the information that your members , that the members of the pension funds actually er rather than your annual members as well in that context actually receive annually and whether you feel that is satisfactory .
28 I am grateful for the right hon. Gentleman 's question .
29 One looks in vain for a similar geographical situation at the present day .
30 In the novel , the central character , Fenny Skaller , has waited in vain for a new young acquaintance to keep an appointment .
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