Example sentences of "[adj] to the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Another , equally peculiar to the judiciary in this country , is their particular version of the doctrine of the ‘ independence of the judiciary ’ ( see Chapter 4 ) , which leads them to resent what they perceive as interference by governments in their sentencing practice .
2 Now , there is no denying that past controversies were rooted in circumstances that were peculiar to the age in which they occurred .
3 Several warehouses and other buildings display the architectural style peculiar to the district in the nineteenth century .
4 Each activity is provided free to the participant in return for raising a minimum target sum in sponsorship .
5 Payments are made direct to the exporter in accordance with the contract 's terms , with the bank having no recourse against the exporter in the event of the foreign importer 's default .
6 The situation is analogous to the way in which the genes with their shape-specificity pass on inherited characteristics from one generation to the next .
7 The complex movement and the subtle merging of the planes of relief are analogous to the treatment in fig. 122 , very different from the sculptural simplicity of the Cerberus and the stables ( fig. 121 ) .
8 This provision was , as the chapter itself states , analogous to the provision in chapter 21 of the same statute , that when the recipient of land devised for rent failed over two years to pay the rent or to fulfil the conditions required by the lord , that land should be recoverable by the lord .
9 A rhythmic unit greater than the syllable , analogous to the bar in music .
10 Gramsci argued , like Banfield did some thirty years later , with a direct political aim , but in Gramsci 's case the problem was to develop a political strategy for the Communists adequate to the conditions in the rural , clerical-dominated and agricultural south , as well as to the conditions in the much more urban , secular and industrialised north of Italy .
11 If we follow this , the play with conventions , in television narrative subgenres as much as in language , may not simply be a classical ( or postmodern ) fascination with language games , but may also contain a ‘ naturalist ’ ( or modernist ) desire to revitalize forms that have become stale and hackneyed , and are no longer adequate to the world in which people believe .
12 But Lequerica was also a monarchist , and thus acceptable to the pro-restorationists in Spain .
13 Under such circumstances it was normally assumed that , although the Monarch would probably seek advice in order to discover what persons would be acceptable to the party in power , yet for the final choice she alone was morally and constitutionally responsible .
14 Such a ‘ rule ’ should not conflict with authority and precedent which require , essentially , only that the person selected be acceptable to the party in question .
15 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
16 It was no different to the building in which we were hiding .
17 Our dilemma is that it speaks of a level of separation from the world , the flesh and human reality which has already proved far too harmful to the churches in general and for women in particular for us to consider returning to it .
18 The mutation in TCR- β is therefore epistatic to the mutation in TCR- α .
19 Two tokens of the same type of mental event , all of whose tokens are indistinguishable to the owner in terms of content , are distinguished by temporal location .
20 The Elonex is similar to the Apricot in many ways and even has the optional stereo sound input and output but it does n't have as many security features .
21 The BPS seems likely to establish a body similar to the Division in its Psychology of Women Section , and an autonomous organization for women in psychology may persist alongside this .
22 It has published a booklet , called New Arrivals — A Guide to Non-religious Naming Ceremonies , which gives five alternatives , ranging from the personal to something similar to the vows in the Christian ceremony but without reference to a deity .
23 sounds similar to the sounds in the mother tongue
24 The differences between the perfusion fluid concentrations of the components in the patients and those in the controls were similar to the differences in the appearance rates ( Table ) .
25 One could easily imagine that a visit by Dustin to Anne 's parents in Westchester would be similar to the scene in Annie Hall when Woody Allen has Easter dinner with his girlfriend 's cold and formal WASP family , who he imagines see him as a rabbi .
26 My experiences are very similar to the writer in that standards for smaller audits in particular appeared to be very poor in a firm that I left some two years ago .
27 Infusion of 10 mM deoxycholate into the transverse colon or caecum produced an increase PYY that was similar to the responses in the sigmoid colon .
28 Mercury is also similar to the Moon in having a Bond albedo of about 7% .
29 My view is that the religious believer who makes a credal statement such as ‘ I believe in God ’ is affirming something similar to the believer in ghosts .
30 The general pattern was similar to the Alps in an average year : a few days of afternoon cloud and snowstorms , followed by a day or two or more settled conditions .
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