Example sentences of "[adj] have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you know that he is righteous you will know that everything everyone who does what is right has been born of him .
2 A twelve year old boy who keeps falling asleep has been expelled from school .
3 In recent weeks the single Class 158 allotted to the Cambrian has been stabled at Machynlleth .
4 The resemblance is superficial and since 1946 the polled has been known as the British White .
5 Some local authorities may refuse to accept development of the site unless the section of the access road that is private has been adopted by the local authority .
6 For convenience , the reciprocal has been multiplied by 103 ; we work to six decimal places on the left , three on the right .
7 The SMP2 digital melting point apparatus from Stuart Scientific has been designed for ease of use with preselectable starting and ramping temperatures .
8 A MUMMY 1,900 years old has been unearthed in Syria .
9 The fifteen year old has been charged with aggravated vehicle taking and a seventeen year old is being questioned by police .
10 A 19 year old has been charged with the new offence of causing death by dangerous driving .
11 The fifty year old has been suspended from his job at the council run home , and police are joining together with social services to investigate his conduct .
12 In the UK since October 1982 , the number of people unemployed has been measured for official purposes as the number of ‘ people claiming benefit ( that is , unemployment benefit , supplementary benefits or national insurance credits ) at Unemployment Benefit Offices on the day of the monthly count , who on that day were unemployed and able and willing to do any suitable work ’ .
13 Until then the English had been sailing to places so far from effective Spanish opposition and so thinly populated that the government had not had to provide any help .
14 Once the British had been driven from the European mainland , they had lost virtually all of the general intelligence that armies gather on their enemy 's positions , his deployment , and his defences .
15 The British had been taken to the cleaners because foolish politicians in post-war Britain had elected to produce sociologists instead of engineers , and the predictable end result was that Britain had been short on wealth creators and long on spenders .
16 By 1972 , presumably to guide people in the same predicament , posts five feet high had been driven into the ground beside the track .
17 The nine set free had been detained at civilian and military sites ; some appeared to have Middle Eastern backgrounds .
18 The 21 year old had been treated for depression and had been prescribed tablets by his doctor on 15 occasions .
19 But the Treasury issued a counter-statement saying that nothing improper had been asked of civil servants by ministers .
20 During this time , the Central Wales Railway proper had been incorporated by an Act of August 1859 , to build a single line of track from Knighton to Llandrindod .
21 Old problems of contacts breaking or the case deteriorating have been rectified on most models .
22 Of particular importance , however , is the impact of such defensive provision upon the intra-mural zone ; enclosures that are apparently almost empty have been noted at Caistor , Horncastle , Mancetter and Wall , as well as at Margidunum with the exception of the late complex in the northern half .
23 Similar differences in relative risks between young and old have been observed in studies of other risk factors for coronary heart disease .
24 There should be a close dialogue between the GMC and the royal colleges to ensure that procedures which are potentially harmful have been validated by careful placebo controlled clinical trials using generally accepted procedures .
25 Perhaps the GMC and the royal colleges should ‘ ensure that procedures which are potentially harmful have been validated by careful placebo controlled clinical trials . ’
26 In other words , the British have been compelled by financial limitations to concentrate much of their attention on co-operation , on neighbourhood resources , and on the person-to-person aspects of support work , but this is a valuable area to develop .
27 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
28 An eighteen year old 's been convicted of violent disorder after his victim identified him in the street .
29 The ability to evaluate the performance of a pupil and adapt to it is a prerequisite of being able to teach , and all Taï mothers appear , in the context of nut-cracking , to do it , though nothing similar has been observed in Gombe .
30 The main contexts in which the maxim of the civil law above quoted has been adopted as part of English law are set out in the speech of Lord Atkinson in Villar v. Gilbey [ 1907 ] A.C. 139 , 149–150 .
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