Example sentences of "[adj] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I want to ride as much as I can , but I want to try to be sensible at the same time .
2 All these kids and lights and noise , and it 's sort of scary and exciting at the same time .
3 The question of keeping to convention versus innovating is particularly acute in this kind of example ; and on balance it may be a good idea to reformulate problematic sentences slightly so that they can follow punctuation conventions and be clear at the same time .
4 Like the quatrain poems it is funny at the same time as serious .
5 The programme is very innovative and interesting but funny at the same time .
6 Jess took a step backwards , muttering under her breath : ‘ God protect me and forgive me sins I did n't meant no wrong … ’ without believing in much except bruises , hunger and Fate which had a nasty way of turning the tables against her , but willing at the same time to try anything once .
7 Then you can begin to introduce new ideas gradually , one by one , being willing at the same time to take ‘ no ’ for an answer if they are definitely opposed to change of any kind , since this is their right and must be respected .
8 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
9 Perhaps peter Fuller 's Theoria ( 1988 ) , a call for a return to earnest Ruskinian values by a critic who had lost his faith in Modernism , contrives to be theoretical and distinctively British at the same time ; but that is the work of an art critic .
10 It is that the view of Anglo-American finance as a casino full of rapacious capitalists has become popular at the same time as those countries ' companies were being taken over by the people themselves .
11 Elizabeth Maginnis , the convener , said the timetable for change — starting at the start of next school year and to cover all schools by April 1996 — was unrealistic at the same time as local government was being reformed .
12 If the organ music swells this Christmas as we run down the lanes of childhood in search of sentiment or the values of yesterday , and if the early darkness on Christmas evening finds us replete and empty at the same time , maybe its because we have left the Josephs of this world alone in their silent day and all too silent night .
13 Motivated by an 1841 paper of Boole , Cayley , who was interested at the same time in algebraic aspects of projective geometry , began seeking invariants of homogeneous forms of degree n in two and more variables .
14 And one of the reasons they all became interested at the same time was that a lot of them knew each other , and so one of the things I 've been looking at is the correspondence between Americans and British people , and the fact that they travelled and kept diaries of who they met in the other country , and they all swapped ideas on how to deal with this particular level of poverty .
15 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
16 I 'm quite scared erm I 'd be scar I mean I 'd be scared if I saw one but be interesting at the same time , I sort of want to and I sort of
17 He was proud that the invisible spirit animating the slight frame had dared to conceive the intended deed as his duty ; but he was afraid at the same time that he would lack the courage to endure the pain and carry it through .
18 Of course during the er during the course of this year we will be considering prototypes which will enable those young people to reach that high level of qualification but he will be aware that under the national training and education target there are some of those targets which are directly related to the points that he has raised and the important priority for this government is to ensure not only that we have young people training to an even higher level but through programmes like investors in people , that we encourage every member of the work force and those er who are primarily unemployed at the present time , to train to even higher levels of qualifications .
19 The baby was sleeping , its lids tightly closed and its little face red and perfect at the same time .
20 Here , Thames Television in London is waiting to play ’ Home and Away ’ out to Central at an agreed time .
21 … the correct comparison is not with any man but with an hypothetical man who would also be unavailable at the critical time .
22 It can , none the less , cut out many of the worst frustrations : material that takes hours to trace , is never found , or is unavailable at the right time ; teacher-made material that takes too long , is botched in process or inexpertly designed ; equipment that does n't work , or works badly , or is preempted by someone else at the crucial moment ; timetables that do n't , when it comes to the point , allow sufficient flexibility ; help that one feels ought to be available but somehow never is .
23 They had loved one another with all the wonderful signs of love : tender and violent at the same time , obstinate and shy , fearful and joyful , jealous and watchful .
24 Even if the proved debt did not include the right to interest , interest can be claimed , up to the date of the bankruptcy order in the following cases : ( i ) in respect of a debt due by virtue of a written instrument payable at a certain time , interest may be claimed from that time ( r 6.113(2) ) at judgment rate ( r 6.113(4) ) ; ( ii ) otherwise , after demand for repayment has been made stating that interest will thereafter be charged ( r 6.113(3) ) then at the rate specified in the notice provided that it does not exceed judgment rate and is only from the date of the demand ( r 6.113(4) ) .
25 What we can say , though , is that the picture which emerges from these is not of a monolithic bloc but of a constantly mutating organism made up of elements which are symbiotic and mutually contradictory at the same time ( see , for example , Sanjek 1988 ; Hirsch 1969 ; Peterson and Berger 1971 ; Hardy n.d. ; Frith 1978 ; 1983a ; 1988a ) .
26 It 's like being lectured to and bored at the same time .
27 It does indeed get dark at a sensible time so it 's possible to go to bed before about one in the morning .
28 These items may be small or large , and they are produced under conditions of what is appropriate at a given time , rather than conditions which are standardised .
29 It would be particularly appropriate at the present time to pay more attention to this aspect , and to obtain better information about crofters ' levels of living , including the subsistence component and remittances from emigrants .
30 ‘ The committee endorses this action by the licensing authority ’ , Goldberg 's letter goes on , ‘ and considers that , in the light of the apparent safety hazard , suspension of the licence is appropriate at the present time ’ .
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