Example sentences of "[adj] on [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each party receives a reward that is dependent on the reward the other parties receive ; there is a common interest .
2 Is the tax really payable on the amount the husband left , irrespective of how much is left when the wife dies ?
3 He went on a long journey , was weary , worn-out with labour , and returning engraved on a stone the whole story . "
4 He went on a long journey , was weary worn out with labour , and returning engraved on a stone the whole story . "
5 The choice of film seemed appropriate on the day the simmering dispute boiled over with growing frustration and bitterness among the staff , many of whom attended the Clapham train disaster and are veterans of dealing with the aftermath of IRA bomb blasts .
6 There was no smile on his face now , however , as he stepped out of the site of the Reconciliation — known euphemistically as the Retreat — to find Dowd sitting perched on a shooting-stick a few yards from the door .
7 Recording had proved to be useless , because if a skater fell or was late on an entrance the sound of his or her voice carrying on the dialogue with unaware insouciance was pretty bizarre .
8 holms lay black on a sea an sky o gowld .
9 The expectation that the new borrowings will be available , if required , must have existed at the balance sheet date and this expectation should be reviewed in the light of any post balance sheet events to ensure it remains reasonable on the date the financial statements are approved by the directors .
10 The rain certainly did come down during the night , it was so loud on the window the noise made it difficult to sleep .
11 So er just beware of what you 're doing when you , when you , course you can actually keep a mortgage a a account open , in other words you can keep it open on a pound a year whatever it is with the Halifax .
12 Although it would be nice to see someone apart from Strach get annoyed on the pitch every now and then .
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