Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] they [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You know there might ha , there might have been three hundred ya , three hundred yards of houses semis and detached and they had a bit of land , but all the back of that , that was theirs !
2 At outcrop the sandstones are visibly porous and they provide a good aquifer in the Belfast region .
3 Apart from anything else she was unemployed and they needed the two thousand pounds prize money .
4 Here is what you must memorise : These words are Latin and they form the basis of the secret to this trick .
5 Such a proposition was no more acceptable to the Germans than to the British and they put an end to further talk of peace by declaring unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic .
6 Certainly the style and type of projects in the schools are different and they offer a markedly different approach to user education in schools than was prevalent before the present period of research funding .
7 Compared to the brothel prostitutes , they are dowdy and unkempt and they have a lot more problems with the police .
8 Most of these are presumably extragalactic but they include the pulsar PSR1706–44 , although this was not recognized at the time .
9 Some of the recently introduced products , Itek 's PTW for example , do include full WYSIWYG and are menu rather than command driven but they sacrifice the raw power of products like TeX ( pronounced tech ) or JustText .
10 But they mean something entirely different but they say the same words .
11 Their correct address is 6 Stassinos Street , Larnaca , but whilst I was there their Cessna 172 was having its annual and they had no other four-seaters to offer , only Cessna 152s .
12 It is usually impossible to meet the needs of every person at every service , but some congregational input into the choice of music is nevertheless valuable , for the people provide the best indication of what is appropriate and they have an important part in creating and maintaining the tradition of their church .
13 The harvest was early and they had a pre-season tour .
14 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
15 Most coupled people 's preoccupations and needs are very similar but they nurture the hope that their partner will support and fulfil them .
16 The bar was crowded but they found a table in the centre , amidst noisy tourists .
17 Er , they were immediately told to go away and put that right and they chose a different supplier .
18 We did actually have er , it 's a , I think what it might be we had a lady who came to brought her son , mind , her son 's thirty odd and they did the singing for us .
19 Technophilia is rampant and they have the weapons .
20 Surely the reason for the rebuke , why he said that they were timid and they 'd no faith was because they had lost sight of the fact , or the , the importance of the fact that he was there with them .
21 Most of the moneylenders and pawnbrokers were Jewish and they had a reputation for meanness .
22 The Queen Victoria jokes got more ferocious and they upset the dentist a great deal .
23 Erm the other thing was that the people at senior level need to be reminded , if they do have a major problem erm that 's David and Malcolm , erm where , if they 've got a rather difficult case and it 's urgent and they want a , they do n't wan na have to put it on a , on a fax , they want , they need it there and then erm , and they do n't like the telephone call facility , I said well , well that 's primarily for consultants .
24 ‘ People come here aged maybe 50 or 60 and their blood pressure goes down to what it was in adolescence , they are no longer constipated , digestive problems seem to disappear , their sex lives improve , their eyes are shiny and they have a feeling of optimism instead of carrying a heavy load of despondency .
25 It said : ‘ The cricket club 's stance with regard to the sale of the ground remains unchanged but they understand the aspirations of the rugby club and the strategy for the future of rugby that has been proposed .
26 Generally chilly and cold but they desire the cold .
27 It was only discovered because somebody left a film camera running on an aquarium in which these fish were present and they noticed a blur and when the film was slowed down and analyzed it turned out that this was happening , that a little sneak was going in , instantly ejaculating , and zooming out .
28 I think it depends what members of society we 're talking about , right , if people are educated and they have a way forward to improve their understanding , then they become less and less involved with a
29 They looked combative and confident and they had an aggression which , Gooch and Such apart , England too clearly lacked .
30 Twenty years too late and they found a thousand ways to stop the rise of Hitler , it was the only way for them to keep sane , the survivors .
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