Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [modal v] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Squinting through my salt encrusted eyelids I had to agree her estimation was probably accurate ; affirming that we were well clear and would soon be safely around the point did n't seem adequate reassurance .
2 Speaking before the service , Dr Poyntz said that his sermon would be ‘ very direct ’ but added : ‘ Wrong is wrong and must always be condemned ’ .
3 However , the patterns used in these studies were extremely coarse and could probably be discriminated by developing tricks like scanning the eyes across the stimuli and judging how much the brightness changes during the course of the scan .
4 Although he was nine years old and would soon be moving up to the big school , Frankie was still frightened of the dark .
5 Now , I do not seek to defend the conduct of the Sun , but I do think that it is at best messy and may also be dangerous to use the common law to outflank the Act .
6 It shows that exclusion is not an inevitable part of having an impairment , but is socially-created and can therefore be socially-changed. it shifts the focus from ‘ adjusting ’ to impairment , onto bringing an end to discrimination .
7 Mystics are aware that their experience can never be explained in rational terms and insist that it is unhelpful and can even be dangerous to attempt to define the ultimate reality in terms of reason and logic .
8 Slower decisions are made to nonwords such as " burd " and " phace " rather than those like " deve " and " slist " , even though all four are word-like and could conceivably be words .
9 The eternal enigma for the cocktail party host or hostess is what to give the guests that is different and can preferably be eaten in one bite .
10 Sometimes the people engaged in them will have attitudes to , and feelings about , old people which are not acceptable and may even be ageist .
11 For efficient management of a company , records should be maintained in at least three categories : Financial accounts Cost accounts Management accounts Each of these divisions of the accounts records are of course interrelated and will now be examined in detail .
12 Mortensen ( 1933a ) noted that A. ingolfiana and A. norvegica were very similar and could only be distinguished from one another by the following characters ; the shape of the genital plate which has two branches in A. ingolfiana but in A. norvegica the abradial branch — the one on the ventral interradial side of the genital plate is reduced and broadened , while the radial shields which are more rounded on the proximal abradial — outer side in A. ingolfiana while in A. norvegica this side is more angular .
13 The canned variety tends to be mushy and should therefore be avoided .
14 Irredentism remains a powerful issue for many Japanese and can conveniently be used to fuel anti-Russian sentiment when required .
15 er this rate is fixed and can only be changed by agreement with Brussels er and as we 've seen in the last few years , our normal currency exchange rate has fluctuated quite a lot er and in fact has er become fairly weak , but the green pound has stayed the same so there 's quite a difference between our exchange rate and the green rate .
16 Coloured lining looks attractive from the outside and can also be displayed in the room during daytime as a contrast to the curtains by draping the curtains back in tie bands and turning the leading edges into the room .
17 The bulk of this type of enclosure was carried out by formal acts of parliament , but there was much private enclosure , mo.st of which is unrecorded and can only be dated by contemporary maps .
18 This conclusion should not be seen to reflect callous indifference to individuals who have suffered miserably or fatally at the hands of persons committing ‘ conventional ’ crimes ; their agony is real and should never be ignored .
19 The decision as to how detailed a breakdown of costs is required is crucial and should only be taken at a high level in the management structure .
20 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
21 What is disconcerting is that Peters , well-known for his fondness for overstatement but highly valued as the co-author of In Search Of Excellence , is describing a future where the characteristics and skills displayed by men are not only worthless but may even be harmful .
22 They are volatile , vulgar and can sometimes be violent .
23 Looked at more closely still the dissolved athlete would become even more inscrutable than usual and could only be described with a set of equations which guessed where his component particles might be .
24 Many institutions have a policy of supporting the incumbent management wherever possible and will only be persuaded from that by some very special reasoning .
25 Sleepers should be chosen that are as clean as possible and can usually be readily obtained from advertisements in " Exchange and Mart " or " Farmers Weekly " .
26 It remains to a great extent subjective and may therefore be open to disagreement in analysis .
27 Deaf people are therefore reduced to providing accounts of personal experience of deafness , which fall upon deaf minds supported by the old adage that experience is subjective and can therefore be dismissed .
28 Sandarac is available from pigment suppliers , who will also supply crushed colophony rosin , which is cheaper than sandarac and can also be used for roughening parchment .
29 For iron this reaction is written : Iron usually exists in the bivalent ferrous state ( Fe 2 + ; ) in most rock-forming minerals , but it can be converted by oxidation to the trivalent ferric form ( Fe 3 + ; ) with the effect that the neutral charge of the crystal structure is upset and can only be regained by the loss of other cations .
30 The distinctions between the three cell types are quite subtle and may only be obvious after quite extensive testing .
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