Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adv] [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the parents do not know what has happened they should either not interfere in the upset or equally attribute blame knowing that a row can not happen without two parties being involved .
2 Just as the catechism sets out the substance of the faith for the lay people , so Primers , specifically designed prayer books to enable lay people to share in the liturgical offices of the Church , incorporated it into a series of devotions that daily and poignantly remind man of the cycle of salvation .
3 These intimations of universal and particular timeless and now reach readers whether or not they have learned to call the sections of Ulysses by the names of episodes , characters , or places taken from the Odyssey .
4 It is not enough to think of a murder and who committed it and why what is not immediately obvious , and then to take some setting that seems interesting and simply introduce chunks of description from time to time .
5 The many interesting and sometimes elaborate forms of instinctive behaviour shown by insects have often been described and some have also been explained as simple taxes and kineses or interpreted in more complex ethological terms ( Tinbergen , 1951 ; Baerends , 1959 ; Fraenkel and Gunn , 19612 ; Thorpe , 1963 ; Haskell , 1966 ; Evans , 1966 ; von Frisch , 1967 ; Sudd , 1967 ; Ewing and Manning , 1967 ; Manning , 1972 ) .
6 Immatures ( see pp. 156–7 ) start brown and gradually develop adult plumage , over 3–4 years in the larger species .
7 Thus interest rates may be too high and so discourage investment , while what finance there is for investment is channelled into socially inefficient uses .
8 The cost of provision of such sewers and the associated easements can be very high and therefore affect site value .
9 Members had hoped to get the cash direct and still resist payments for losses .
10 She published a history of the UDC , Builders of Peace ( 1924 ) , and from 1925 to 1928 was editor of the UDC journal , Foreign Affairs , which she aimed to make a more popular and widely read journal .
11 Most sitters are over 60 , sensible and probably have pets of their own .
12 Nobody remarked on it because all the students are foreign and occasionally take trips home or go on sightseeing tours .
13 The many types of mycobacteria vary in their pathogenicity ; some are saprophytic and rarely cause disease , while others are potentially pathogenic , particularly in immunocompromised patients .
14 Here they are shooting the breeze , Fairfax in his outmoded but perfectly cut clothes , the laibon in a dark blue shift and a cape of fur , with ear lobes that contain three or four little bead earrings and a silver wire holding a small copper bell .
15 Most seed is best sown in trays of either multi-purpose or preferably seed compost .
16 This idea is almost more spectacular as a large eyelet lace moon , which you can leave simple or else thread ribbons through the eyelets with dangling fringe ends ( I knitted a bead on the ends ) .
17 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for solitary stones with its 85% effectiveness at one year , two sessions of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy , 15% failures and an estimated 30% recurrences in the long term ( assuming that only half of them become symptomatic and therefore need treatment ) will cost US$1970 ( £1150 ) .
18 Is it not likely that the healing powers are continually trying to maintain order in the system but once the external stresses reach a certain level this can no longer be done ‘ passively ’ but the very attempt to keep a balance produces outward signs which we generally find uncomfortable and so call disease ; which is literally a lack of ease or disease .
19 Within its own terms this book is successful , but one could suggest that those terms are restrictive and hardly do justice to the breadth and variety of Shakespeare 's style .
20 However , the potential danger had to be recognised and continued cooperation with the United States would persuade Washington to be more magnanimous and simultaneously protect Japan .
21 Once a vendor has consulted he may find himself under moral pressure from his employees to complete as soon as possible and hopefully re-establish certainty for them over their future .
22 ‘ They will tell neighbours they are pregnant and even visit doctors with fake symptoms .
23 In Britain , the party machines are relatively weak and only hold meetings , choose candidates , run election campaigns and hold conferences .
24 In small-scale and closely knit communities , where self-respect is very closely tied up with the esteem in which one is held by one 's fellows , any sanction of this sort designed to erode it is likely to be particularly effective .
25 Most modern philosophers would say it was nonsense to say that Cruelty was cruel and only call people cruel or particular things .
26 The rigidities and continuities of the planning and design process may constrain ability to deal with the unanticipated and often press purpose built systems into unlikely roles .
27 ‘ British girls are fairly low-key and often lack confidence , ’ says Mignon , who scours the country auditioning potential models .
28 Its high resistance to detonation allows high compression ratios to be used and thus offers potential for more power than petrol ; little or not particulate emissions come out the exhaust pipe and CO 2 production is relatively low .
29 The looms had been replaced with lathes , which responded to urgent and sometimes panic requests to anything from shell casings to aircraft , gun or radio parts .
30 A number of large and efficiently run workshops made a wide range of products for use in the centre and for sale in nearby towns .
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