Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Either wait until all work is complete or abandon the current changes .
2 What 's more important getting that level and putting that right or getting the bottom level which to me would be more important
3 However , most of the campaigns are run by authorities in the more accessible countryside ; there are few campaigns organized by those in the remoter or upland areas , either because they deem them undesirable or consider the likely returns insufficient .
4 Giant freckles , called chloasma , sometimes appear on the face or neck in sunlight if you are pregnant or taking the combined Pill .
5 Knitters unpicked old jumpers , washed or seamed the unravelled wool and reknitted it .
6 However , the richness as a cultural object of a deteriorated Windows 1.0 disc pack is cold comfort to an archivist or historian preoccupied with preserving or regenerating the operational environment of the product .
7 The pressure to please must have been especially strong for women writers who , if they wrote novels of ideas , were in danger of either being rejected as over-cerebral or having the intellectual content of their work ignored .
8 The CGA graphics are large and clear and use the basic colour capabilities of the CGA monitor very well .
9 Two hundred drinkers were forced to run for cover but she was unable to get clear and caught the full force of the blast .
10 But it firmly rejected any idea of reforming the system , saying : ‘ We are against suggestions and demonstrations which aim to lead people astray and change the constitutional basis of our state . ’
11 Mrs Major 's party set off for the northern half of the seat to goad the faithful and stir the idle while Mr Major toured the south .
12 For each piece of field research aims at achieving a ‘ scoop ’ which will redound to the anthropologist 's credit , and the more interesting and exciting the raw data the better .
13 The British , with experience gained in the Boer War , had designed a standard rifle , light and holding the maximum number of rounds for fast , aimed fire at a specific target .
14 I think they 've got to become less competitive , less arrogant and less dominant , seeing that as the macho role , and I think they 've got to become erm much more erm feminine and approve the feminine characteristics , so that there is n't so much difference between the two genders , and particularly in marriage and in the home .
15 The abilities not just to comprehend , to take things into one 's own understanding , and to make something of them , but also to be able to evaluate critically the available theories and traditions , and to be willing and have the mental toughness to take up a stance of one 's own : all these abilities point to an intellectual independence , requiring real academic freedom for their realization .
16 Never the most fluent of jumpers , she put in some unnecessarily extravagant leaps before settling down on the second circuit , but then met the final open ditch all wrong and deposited the hapless Mullins on the floor .
17 Or was the Leader of the Opposition wrong and does the hon. Gentleman agree with that ?
18 Sonia Heywood , assistant director ( child care ) for Wiltshire SSD , expressed some of her staff 's worries about getting it wrong and mishandling the whole issue .
19 The tomb is around 2,000 years old and bears the inscribed name ‘ Yusuf Bar Kaifas ’ .
20 Lady was old and followed the Great Dane 's example because she was too stupid to know any better .
21 It is essential that management reward rather than punish the risk taking required in abandoning the old and trying the new .
22 The boy was about fourteen years old and had the long , fuzzy hair of the Dervish .
23 Had he taught the young , visited the old and comforted the afflicted ?
24 A township seemingly unaffected by Parliamentary influence , with Roman Catholics worshipping openly with , perhaps a despairing vicar trying , perhaps half-heartedly , to depress the old and infiltrate the Anglican requirements possibly to a largely unwilling ( or might they have been uncaring ? ) flock .
25 Ben Sira praised the fathers of old and described the High Priest Simon son of Jochanan in his majestic appearance when he went up to the altar ( 50.11 ) .
26 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
27 Runaways were commonplace , and I remember when a bull , on its way back to Milford Station , thought enough was enough , broke free and terrorised the neighbouring streets for about half-an-hour before recapture .
28 The Norman exchequer ( probably instituted in the early years of the century , at the same time as its English counterpart ) used the tally , the chequered cloth , and the abacus to provide records for the illiterate and to overcome the considerable problems posed by the use of Roman numerals in addition and subtraction .
29 For one month you and your companions will live together on an uninhabited island to show just how resourceful , brave and fit the young people of this country are .
30 In the event of the contractor failing to provide the necessary proof of payment where he is able to do so , the employer has the right to pay the subcontractor direct and deduct the equivalent sums from other payments to the contractor .
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