Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come , ’ he murmured with soft intensity , taking her shaking fingers and guiding her with arrogant lack of consultation up the curving palatial stairway into a large square bedroom .
2 ‘ Now th'can go out , ’ he said and went with her into the shadow-filled yard ; one long arm guiding her with relentless force past the lighted windows of the inn , past the well and a small cart , past James Lambert walking shakily towards the back door of the inn , to a dark corner behind a group of empty ale kegs .
3 The Medau Society has been an active member since we became a national governing body in 1952 — indeed it was a member of the CCPR staff , Kay Evans who had been instrumental in guiding us towards national recognition .
4 Goddam it to held lady , you 've been straight all your life .
5 NORTHERN Electric fixed it for cerebral palsy sufferer Glen McQuilling to take a flight in its overhead-line patrol helicopter .
6 in the way of , but she 's just nervous it for some reason .
7 They 're more or less accusing us of some kind of fraud . ’
8 It more or less incapacitated me from any activity .
9 Grown-ups would evoke them discreetly , so as not to make you envious , not to corrupt you with impossible desires .
10 I 've been putting it out just as he 's walked in , I said I 'm getting good me at this tea .
11 And they grow the bananas , export them , and wholesale them in this country .
12 They thought their money was safe , but it 's alleged that How used it for risky property deals which led to him losing everything .
13 She looked again at the picture : really , Hilda was quite a pretty woman in her way , if your tastes inclined you to that sort of good looks .
14 I feel certain you will be interested in come of these reports and to aid distribution , and to prevent our troubling you with unwanted copies , I would be grateful if you could arrange for the enclosed card to be completed and returned to us .
15 His brief relationship with a page three girl Julie Desmond hit the skids when the press revealed that the bold Frank was two-timing her for another model , Anita Blue .
16 Plenty of bars , cafes and restaurants line the streets , tempting you with delicious cakes laden with cream , chocolate and fruit , the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the thought of a refreshing glass of ice cold beer .
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