Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Not even the Mother Goddesses are represented on pottery although they were extremely popular as pipe-clay figurines made in the Rhineland and found in Britain .
2 As a result of high demands made on the soil and the lack of good fertilizer , yields are low .
3 Texts are varied systematically and types of finger movement and speeds on target words can be compared for the different demands made on the reader .
4 The difficulties that arise from the different demands made by the grammatical systems of different languages in translation should not be underestimated .
5 THERE HAVE been a few tactical errors made in the winter lists of new rugby books .
6 Despite sporadic contacts with China and Holland , when Japan was eventually forced to deal with the international environment she was almost totally ignorant of the intellectual , economic , scientific , technological and cultural advances made by the West during her seclusion period .
7 It is best to scatter the seed evenly across 3ā€“4in-wide bands made with the blade of an onion hoe .
8 After much bitter debate , in March 1986 Britain quietly announced that it would be , reviewing ā€™ policy following scientific advances made in the SWAP programme .
9 Thanks to the changing critical climate , the new ideas circulating among filmmakers and the relaxation of the censorship rules , the British films made at the end of the 1930s were much tougher and more emotionally charged , than anything that had gone before .
10 The well drafted schedule only requires checking afterwards , it does not require another couple of hours ' work trying to remember what people said or what one 's own peculiar hieroglyphics made during the interview were meant to convey .
11 Pirgos ware bears a closer relationship with late neolithic wares made on the Greek mainland and in the Cyclades than with any Cretan forerunners , and the style may have been imported ( Figure 32A ) .
12 The intention may appear from an express definition in different terms made for the purpose of a particular section or group of sections .
13 But as one might have predicted , such opposition backfired by confirming the very claims which the Free Presbyterians made about the great apostasy and the undemocratic nature of Terence O'Neill 's rule .
14 But perhaps the most striking of all the devices are the frequent self-conscious comments made by the author , laying bare his devices precisely by pointing out the differences between fabula and syuzhet , as , for example , in the following : In Tristram Shandy ( and in the O. Henry stories discussed in another essay by Eikhenbaum ) the devices are laid bare to such an extent that there remains hardly any motivation for the much diminished fabula .
15 At first , the Ottoman taxation system , although it bore more heavily on the Christian peasantry than on other inhabitants of the raya , was not as oppressive as were the arbitrary and often extortionate levies made by the medieval Christian rulers in western and central Europe .
16 If we can answer this question , we shall have gone some way to understanding the different claims made in the Conservative and Labour manifestos .
17 In these circumstances , any instructions to delete that information from the memory record can present a number of problems ; recalling precisely which information derives from the suspect source and tracing dependent inferences made at the time or later .
18 The Commission can suspend or disbar any person from the securities industry ; require disgorgement of profits ; and impose penalties of anything up to three times the illicit gains made on the insider trades .
19 Will he consider the staffing levels needed to cost the billions of pounds of wholly uncosted pledges made by the Opposition day after day , week after week ?
20 They can also point to real improvements made in the past few years : a rationalisation of economic-development agencies , say , or a tightening up of Medicaid billing procedures .
21 Consequently most accidents , and there were nearly 500 of them during the 1970s , were not the result of employee thoughtlessness but emerged directly out of the contradictory demands made upon the workforce .
22 Regnal years might also appear on coins of the Roman emperors made in the provinces of the empire , while at Rome coins were frequently dated by the titles of the emperor , such as the tribunician power , which was renewed every year and thus acts as a sort of regnal year .
23 Vastly experienced Judges decided in favour of Ritschel in recognition of her strong uchi-mata ( inner thigh ) attacks , and a couple of dangerous pick-ups made by the West German .
24 A series of scandals , involving gambling and divorces , upset the moral demands made by the bourgeois conscience on the morality of the royals .
25 They checked on the possibility that saccadic movements made with the eyes closed , or in the dark , might be slowed , or that the velocity may then be independent of length of saccade , and found that they were not : that is , waking eye movements with eyes closed , or in the dark , are the same as with eyes opened and in the light .
26 There are many designs of tripod varying from interlocking A-frames to simple uprights made from the tips of larch or spruce trees .
27 WHEN ASKED to list the aeronautical contributions made by the Bell Aircraft Corporation , most enthusiasts would begin talking about the Pā€“39/Pā€“63 line of fighters .
28 Nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the following statements made in the directors ' report are unreasonable in all the circumstances :
29 We consider a major change to be any of the following changes made before the day of departure : change of departure airport , resort area , outward or return time of departure by more than 12 hours , or substitution of the accommodation you have booked with one of a lower price or official classification .
30 I wish to make it clear that it is a safety net clause which follows on similar provisions made for the telecommunications , electricity and water industries .
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