Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Old Ian Strachan locked himself in the bedroom with old Caroline Pickthorn , and old Peter Staithes pissed out of the window and threw empty bottles down into the basement area .
2 They appointed their own French administrators down to the lowest levels , leaving the Annamese powerless and humiliated in their own land .
3 He gave us an official letter to show the military commanders we might bump into along the way , and sent one of his high-ranking aides down to the dock to see us off .
4 The sky was soon dark and the sound of heavy bombs exploding died away , to be replaced by shells passing over the orchard from the British guns down by the river Orne .
5 Not only did he have to keep wafting a smoke machine to create that distinctive curry house fug , and smoking cigarettes down to the level of the previous scene ; he also had to keep up a steady supply of fresh poppadums .
6 ( 10 ) If the property is leasehold : ( a ) please confirm that the seller has complied with all the covenants in the lease ; ( b ) does the seller know whether any items of substantial expenditure for decoration , maintenance or repair have been carried out by the lessors recently but not yet charged to tenants , or are any such contemplated in the near future ? ( 11 ) Is the seller aware of any overriding interest under the Land Registration Act 1925 , s70(1) ? ( 12 ) Please confirm : ( a ) that all gas and electrical installations are the seller 's absolute property and are included in the purchase price ; ( b ) that the electric light installations down to the bulb holders will be left intact ; ( c ) that all furniture , furnishings and fittings not included in the sale and all rubbish will be removed before completion .
7 The data indicate a high geothermal gradient extending from shallow crustal depths down to the mantle , with melt probably present at 50km depth .
8 It is almost certain that we shall not be able to mount a nationwide sample survey with sub-samples taken from the Scottish Highlands down to the West Country .
9 These are nervous times down at the Manor Ground .
10 The broadening market for computer equipment suits Japanese manufacturers down to the ground .
11 The myth of happy and contented animals down on the farm is now far from the truth .
12 But the point to notice is that a key part of humanist thought , from the early Greeks down to the twentieth century , is the attempt to justify man 's knowledge by his reason alone , denying the necessity of faith in general and God 's revelation in particular .
13 Marovitz and the Jeanetta Cochrane were early tenants down in the lower depths .
14 That meant , quite apart from anything else , the inevitable combination of Liberalism and Non-Conformity Over successive generations in the Hockin household , Gladstone and Lloyd George , as well as the current line-up of Liberal MPs down in the West Country were names mentioned in almost reverential tones .
15 The eternal order which reflected the unchanging nature of God , and which found expression in the manner of God 's Redemption of the world , was also expressed in the traditions of individual churches down to the smallest details .
16 In winter it can often provide a pleasant ice-pitch , but in very wet weather the Rollick Stones ridge on the eastern side of the clough is preferable — from where you get fine views down to the cascades .
17 Unhappy with this design as well , which he felt looked ungainly and awkward , Cusick tried again with a wider based shape , this time moving the studded circles down from the midriff to the skirt section .
18 Sweat broke out on his face and ran in little rivulets down into the blue stubble .
19 Put cut sides down with the juices , water , cinnamon and salt into an enamelled , medium sized flameproof casserole or non-stick saucepan .
20 ranging from estate agents , and there are two on the end here from er both products are involved with estate agents , medical practices area health authorities , schools universities and colleges up in the top right there and the obvious ones down in the er corner there .
21 The balls of course would not stay put , and followed their pirouetting owners down to the front of the stage , with every intention of dropping into the auditorium .
22 Mary smiled as she negotiated the three awkward steps down to the sunken floor of the huge kitchen .
23 They put all environmental problems down to the wicked industrialists , notwithstanding the fact that much of the pollution comes from eastern Europe .
24 He glanced uncomfortably at Andy , who had blond ringlets down to the shoulders of his fringed buckskin jacket .
25 These may very briefly be described as the exclusion of lay influence from the Church at all levels from papal elections down to the investiture of bishops and the ownership of churches , and the centralization of government by frequent papal councils and synods , and by the appointment of papal legates with superior jurisdiction over wide areas .
26 Slicing already inadequate budgets down to the lowest possible level would reduce care managers ' ability to respond flexibly to user need at the very point at which they were supposed to be maximising choice .
27 ‘ Here we are , ’ gushed the presenter of Gardeners ' World , ‘ we 're in my very favourite corner of the estate now , with its magnificent , sweeping views down to the river.just look at this superb example of Metasequoiaglyptostroboides , or Dawn Redwood to give it its more familiar name , I do n't think I 've ever seen a better specimen anywhere .
28 Such round , smooth shapes are the perfect foil to the railway sleepers that are used as informal steps down to the lowest level of all , a curved brick paved sitting area that looks back up towards the house .
29 The advantages to the Commission of programme financing arose from the long-term nature of such a plan for regional development , which required agreement on financing arrangements in advance from all the concerned parties down to the local government level .
30 That war was justified where self-defence demanded violent measures few of the fathers had denied ; but the consistent effort of responsible churchmen down to the tenth century was to curb the warlike proclivities of the military classes , and , as time passed , to threaten ever direr penalties on those engaged in unholy war .
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