Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The old colonial system stood in the way of any attempt to replace an empire based on bullion imports by a mercantilist empire à la Colbert , reserved for Spanish products and feeding the prosperity of the mother-country ; regimentation had failed when interlopers and smugglers had turned the Castilian monopoly into a fiction , when ‘ Spain kept the cow , the rest of Europe drank the milk ’ .
2 From that day , early in the October of 1845 , she began drawing on all their outlying accounts and amassing the money with Chambers .
3 It was essential to provide an identifiable core of people with professional training skills to act as the standard bearers for the future ; to attract , sustain and develop the specific skills and to lay the foundation of the new profession .
4 The office is responsible for lobbying the European institutions and keeping the solicitors ' profession at home informed of EC developments .
5 Veljko Kadijevic asserting that Yugoslavia was already in a state of civil war , the Defence Secretariat on May 6 placed the JNA in a full state of combat alert , ordered the Croatian government to stop its attacks against the army , and threatened to " settle accounts " with those who organized intra-national conflicts and set the people against the JNA .
6 A one-way outsourcing arrangement , such as General Motors ' purchases of cars and components from Daewoo in South Korea , is little more than a sophisticated version of familiar NFI agreements : they offer the supplier the opportunity to gain value-creating activities and obviate the buyer 's need to invest .
7 This bristling empire built on the bones of peasants and political prisoners and denying the most fundamental rights to the workers themselves seemed more and more a mere mirror image of the capitalist system rejected by western radicals .
8 ‘ Nate and the Executive Committee have agreed in principle to phase-out all regional activities and bring the whole god-damned shootin' match right back here to Detroit , where I always said it should be . ’
9 Also on Jan. 1 Havel declared an amnesty which involved pardoning certain categories of short-term prisoners and reducing the sentences of others .
10 In the early 16th century Leonardo da Vinci toured the southern Alps for geological and botanical reasons and sketched the mountains .
11 In the United States the Anti-Trust laws have been used to break up existing private monopolies and prevent the formation of new monopolies through mergers of existing companies .
12 The Lost Files of Sherlock Homes is just like the classic books and brings the old London atmosphere into your own home .
13 Chapter 2 : The state of the natural environment in the Union Republics and selected regions of the country covers the scientific principles of new techniques and technologies to ensure the ecological safety of national economic complexes and includes the concept of a regional system of ecological safety as applied in the Urals ; trends of change in the natural environment of Siberia and associated ecological studies ; ecological challenges in Byelorussia and scientific solutions , and some pressing ecological problems in the Ukraine .
14 I saw the men playing chess in the hot Szechenyi baths and managed the journey back , but when I got home , people shook their heads .
15 It 's a story which should inspire all Merseyside 's Labour supporters and ensure the Tories do not become complacent .
16 People stopped private cars and put the dead and injured in their boots .
17 The fighting between the UVF and UDA , and the struggles for power within the UDA , did much to damage the reputation of the working-class loyalist organizations and to permit the professional politicians to regain control after the UWC strike .
18 This kind of map analysis used to be done manually ( before the advent of practical GIS ) by overlaying transparent map sheets , establishing the required spatial relationships and drawing the new map on a clean top sheet with felt pens ( McHarg 1969 ) .
19 But Modigliani saw the torment in the deep , hooded eyes and admired the power and fantasy of his work .
20 The fund manager can make currency gains by holding strong currencies and protect the fund from weak currencies through a process known as ‘ hedging ’ .
21 Roderick was always seeking a better way of putting things in order to remove all possible ambiguities and to assist the reader to the maximum extent : if this meant rewriting 100 times he would gladly do it .
22 Grown-ups have things to do , you know , an' they ca n't always explain them … well — ' She put her arm around the narrow shoulders and pulled the child into her side , and when again the arm came around her waist and the head was pressed between her breasts there arose in her that pain that was both an ache and a pleasure : a pleasure that had no future that she could see ; a pleasure that she had been deprived of all during her womanhood .
23 These cases illustrate the importance which the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords attached to the need not to constrain the Commission and the Office of Fair Trading within narrow bounds and to emphasize the width of their discretionary powers .
24 The policy-making group meets to set the time-scale , to plan the introductory sessions and to agree the questions to form the basis of discussions ; some are suggested in the next section .
25 To circumvent an entrenched clergy and arouse the spirituality of those whose livings were so poor that they combined their priesthood with farming , shoemaking or fishing , he brought in ‘ lecturers ’ , unbeneficed clergy who provided a new preaching tradition , and organised sympathetic clergy into ‘ classes , or ‘ prophesyings ’ where the tenets of the new faith were discussed .
26 Articles of government made under the 1986 Act gave control of the secular curriculum to governors of aided schools and required the governing bodies of other maintained schools to study the LEA curriculum statement and consider how it might be modified to meet the needs of their schools .
27 Some of them , like some Karavas , seized available economic opportunities and joined the new élite .
28 Some leading exponents of the popular movement believed that if large quantities of money were sent to support the Uprising they would , instead , destroy it by creating political jealousies and deflecting the Uprising from the central theme of self-reliance .
29 During its short period of administration , of less than ten months , it accomplished little of real importance — other than the passing of the Wheatley Housing Act which provided generous housing subsidies to both private and public builders and stimulated the council house building boom of the 1920s .
30 In the area of social help and rehabilitation a variety of clubs can also help both the mentally handicapped and the mentally ill to make social contacts and gain the confidence to reintegrate themselves into society .
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