Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A useful model was presented in the Schools Council Project 13 – 16 : A New Look at History ( 1976 ) as a way of considering analysis , judgement and empathy where associated skills were tabulated in ascending order : ( 1 ) Finding information — ability to use : an index , library catalogue , table of contents , glossary .
2 Only environmentally friendly products were used by the students .
3 The Wilcoxon signed rank test for matched pairs was used for statistical analysis .
4 Cheery tombola social nights at local Labour Clubs were replaced by showings of Peter Watkins 's brilliant but heart-stopping antinuclear film , The War Game , which the BBC had commissioned in the 1960s but still wimpishly refused to screen .
5 A final declaration favouring " representative democracy " and respect for human rights , and denouncing the use of force in resolving political conflicts was signed by all 19 leaders .
6 It is up to our families , our school and our parishes to ensure that the right values are conveyed to our young people , and help them to develop positive attitudes .
7 Gore-Tex cagoules tented over their bony collars and bent spines ; plastic map-cases and complicated orienteering compasses dangled against their concave poitrines ; their curving shanks were sheathed in fashionable moleskin or corduroy breeches ; and their flat feet and weak ankles were shod in flexible casts of the finest shoe leather .
8 identified that in the period 1951–66 two different spatial tendencies were operating in England .
9 Fire fighting problems of high-bay warehouses are characterised by large amounts of fuel , arranged in a cellular manner to facilitate deposit and retrieval .
10 Despite the absence of Giggs , whose precocious talents were required by the senior side in their 1–0 Rumbelows Cup victory at Wembley on Sunday , the visitors confirmed their pre-match billing as favourites and demonstrated their ominous strength in depth .
11 So we must begin with the context , the 600,000 square miles of suffering that is the pock-marked face of the North-East , where cloying fields of sugar cane rot amidst hunger and disease , where authoritarian landlords compete for power with anarchistic bandits , and rural labourers are bound to a semi-feudal plantation economy in a state of perpetual anxiety .
12 However , attached lean-to garages are treated as home extensions , and must have full Building Regulations approval , especially as far as fire precautions are concerned .
13 ( B ) The free and complexed DNA fragment populations were separated by electrophoresis through a 5% native polyacrylamide gel ( 8 ) ; the gel was then immersed and equilibrated into a buffer-containing plastic tray , and the retarded ( SC = specific complex , NSC = non-specific complex ) and unretarded ( F = free ) DNA species were exposed in situ to mild modification with DMS ( representative methylations are indicated by the black arrowheads ) .
14 farther east on the southern frontier , the wars against the Buryats caused great turmoil up to the end of the seventeenth century , when the back-and-forth migrations of Buryat and Mongol clans was brought to an end by the closing of the frontier between the Russian Empire and Chinese ‘ Outer Mongolia ’ .
15 One possibility is that conversational interactions are structured in such a way that they provide additional support for the induction of grammatical generalisations .
16 Government and legal — administrative institutions are moulded in forms which optimally sustain capital accumulation , whether or not the state is directly controlled by capitalists and irrespective of the precise balance of class forces .
17 However , low turnouts were reported in the predominantly Russian Vilnius suburb of Novaya Vilnya , and in the predominantly Polish rural district of Salcininkai .
18 The Kaiser and von Werner disagreed ; only mainstream artists were exhibited in St Louis ; and von Tschudi was replaced at the National Gallery by the ubiquitous Von Werner .
19 In what ways can planned and democratic economic forms be presented as a feasible and superior development/transformation of existing forms ?
20 All 3 political groups are pitching for increased spending , Labour is likely to propose a budget around £320 million , the Liberal Democrats around £314 million and the Tory group up to £310 millions , all of them well above Government guidelines of £306 million .
21 In six of the LEAs introductory meetings were held with representatives from all three schools present .
22 The problem of co-ordination of these various professional skills was solved in various ways , of which we know very little just because , it seems , no general and abstract solution was stabilized .
23 ( e ) That , when a subcontractor will be on site for an extensive period , detailed interim accounts are prepared at monthly intervals .
24 In relation to this , a number of cohesive chains were identified in the analysis , the most significant of which are the progressions of phrases relating to the cabinet ministers and the soldiers .
25 The modified patterns are represented by F'1 to F'4 .
26 In a sense that has long been the case , since it has generally been supposed that turbulent flows are contained within a deterministic set of equations — the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations .
27 For much of the 1970S a wide range of European satellites were placed in orbit by American ( and in a few cases Soviet ) launchers .
28 Overall , though the various criminal justice agencies were seen as differentially culpable with regard to racial discrimination , racially prejudiced attitudes were thought to be widespread .
29 Those who saw rural values being challenged by modern urban ideas found another cause to support in 1925 .
30 This study thus confirmed our theory that the proliferating compartment of the background colonic crypts is confined to the normal position , even when the crypts affect the initial stage of development of adenomas .
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