Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [to-vb] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In their Election manifestos both the Labour and Alliance parties produced specific programmes to deal with poverty : The Anti-Poverty Programme and Ending Poverty respectively .
2 He should further refer to and reflect upon the continuous Labour search for excuses for crime rather than for the introduction of any sensible policies to deal with crime .
3 It could be that one could use cannabis-related compounds to deal with disorders of those phenomena , like memory and so on . ’
4 Er Do you belong to any other clubs or British associations to do with stamp collecting ?
5 For example , they show how French governments in the 1980s challenged social workers to work with others to prevent crime , delinquency and exclusion .
6 There is one plan to link staff in with workers from voluntary agencies , and another to train social workers to work with interpreters , gain confidence in working with the Chinese community and respond better to its problems .
7 The staff in the claims department of an insurance company will be skilful and experienced negotiators , with adequate resources to deal with claims .
8 First , there have been attempts by social scientists to communicate with biologists .
9 As you improve and start to sail in stronger winds you will want to sweep the daggerboard completely up into the board at high speeds to help with control .
10 If you have applied to the Social Services to help with funding you must be sure that you have their written approval too before work starts .
11 In addition to these èlite groups , in both London and the provinces there exist Police Support Units of ordinary police officers who have had riot training and who may be pulled off normal duties to help with demonstrations and assemblies .
12 These days it is not unreasonable to present variable analysis as a relatively coherent approach to social research , some would say the approach , which embraces not only the technical matters to do with data collection and analysis but also , importantly , a way of thinking about theoretical and empirical problems .
13 Although that has meant that not much can be done , in principle it is a good idea in that it forces underwater sites to compete with land sites for funding , and tends to keep the attention on the point that it is archaeology we are talking about .
14 Particular emphasis is placed upon longitudinal investigations of changes at the work-place or of the development of personal strategies to cope with stress in jobs or during unemployment .
15 The Roman Empire was already split into eastern and western halves , but its growing impotence was now demonstrated by the inability of its imperial armies to deal with Attila independently — it was a warning that the Roman Empire in the west was almost dead .
16 Airbus Industrie asked the governments of its member producers ( Germany , France , the UK , and Spain ) for launch aid , a grant or loan on favourable terms to help with R & d on a new type of aircraft .
17 its not how they came into the world of real names to stick with prat names like Beatrice and , I mean I know its old royal and that and I mean fancy going to school in that bloody Henry and William , I mean William 's not too bad
18 The company will establish four separate enterprises to deal with polyvinylchloride ( PVC ) , high density plastic , plastic bottles containing carbonated drinks , and materials made of mixed plastics .
19 I 've got sweet fanny adams to go with donkey !
20 And even Griffin ( 1984 : 196 ) is unenthusiastic about K. Pryor 's not dissimilar attempts to communicate with porpoises .
21 There were no large cities to compare with London , but then London had no rivals in Britain either .
22 Accounting bases aim to provide consistent , fair and objective methods to deal with problems such as depreciation of fixed assets , valuing stock , translation of foreign currencies and inflation .
23 The Anglican Church is being challenged today to put its own house in order , to show that its portrayal of truth need not end in a sterile liberalism or empty liturgical forms , but in a faith ‘ Catholic and Reformed ’ which , to misquote Gregory the Great slightly , is ‘ a faith large enough for elephants to swim in and little lambs to paddle with safety ’ .
24 So with the move towards the SEM it is clearly desirable that there should be the greatest degree of harmonisation , without removing altogether the independence of national governments to deal with matters of internal trade .
25 Almost all outstandingly creative people are high in assessed IQ , a fact which must surely protect them to some extent from mental breakdown , both directly and indirectly , in the first case , by providing them with more flexible psychological resources to cope with stress and , in the second , by enabling them to make socially valued contributions that strengthen self-esteem .
26 It is primarily this area of work which has prompted many supporting agencies to identify with WACC and give it financial resources .
27 That is , the aim of describing the state of the society by gathering hard facts about the conditions of life from as many people as possible ; hard facts to do with income , expenditure , consumption or living conditions .
28 Performance contracting the commissioning of private firms to work with teachers in schools to raise achievement levels of children ;
29 Increasing union strength and a changing ( political ) power balance forced Swedish employers to deal with workers as a collectivity rather than , as Clegg suggests , the support given by employers being decisive for union recruitment .
30 The driver had the good manners to signal with headlights that he was clear but he stayed in the overtaking lane , letting the twin turbos build up speed .
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