Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
2 Only six solo roles call for a male soprano , on the basis of which it is possible to make a few observations .
3 For democratic elitists the state is directed by legitimately elected political leaders ; it is a driverless car which political parties compete for the right to manage .
4 On-shore activities make for a lively and exhilarating festival .
5 They do n't congeal round any unifying principles beyond a vague commitment to an idealised model of the intellectual free market in which different discourses vie for the reader 's attention — like a basket of competing currencies battling for prominence against the deutschmark or the yen .
6 So , for high taxes vote for the Labour party , and for low taxes vote Conservative .
7 The code in fact incorporates a degree of redundancy , so that in some cases as many as six different triplets code for the same amino acid .
8 THE English schools team for the 21st annual home countries schools international at Hull on Saturday includes three Newcastle swimmers .
9 Very broadly residential homes cater for the physically frail whereas nursing homes/long-stay hospital care is more likely to cater for the mentally frail .
10 Local and national sports bodies have also objected on the grounds that the scheme would take away open space that could be used as a public sports field for a town which the National Playing Fields Association says has a shortage of open space .
11 Among them was In His Name , which was put together in response to the need expressed by the Conference of the International Missionary Council held at Willengen in Germany in 1952 , for a book which would help missionary-minded Christians pray for the Church and the World in a way integrated in the full range of Christian faith and worship .
12 Development costs are also charged to the profit and loss account in the year of expenditure , except when individual projects satisfy the following criteria : the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately identifiable ; the project is technically feasible and commercially viable ; current and future costs will be exceeded by future sales ; and adequate resources exist for the project to be completed .
13 It seems that British investors go for the north and west — Normandy and Brittany — and also like to invest their money further south in Aquitaine and Perigord .
14 Reciprocal arrangements exist for the sale of the Relate 2000 in the US , Japan , Singapore and Hong Kong , and other countries will follow shortly .
15 Could it be that the bureaucrats of primate research saw a way to parlay an admission of poor husbandry into a public relations campaign for the primate centres ?
16 Radio was still something special and the idea of putting out a half-hour programme on the young refugees — to be called Children in Flight - was a great public relations coup for the RCM .
17 I got involved with agencies who specialise in placing children who were difficult to place , be it handicapped , black or of the wrong age , and that led to my doing a lot of work taking photographs for a magazine published by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering and various publicity and public relations work for the Catholic Children 's Society .
18 The slow-moving five-foot lines are unexpected ; the dignified quatrains make for a cumbrous narrative style , which is alien in spirit to that of a medieval ballad .
19 Other equally valid fits might also be obtained by allowing the 18-day decay to depart from a pure exponential ; it would then be possible , for example , to obtain a solution in which the two asymptotic increases account for the whole of the increase in rotation rate .
20 ECONOMY Minister Robert Atkins has praised the Housing Executive on winning a Royal Institute of British Architects award for a project at Newtownbreda .
21 Although the details have not been disclosed , the Soviet Union played a key role in convincing the East Germans to let refugees holed up in West German embassies leave for the West .
22 Several interrelated factors account for the development and growth of international banking in recent years :
23 PROTOKOL is a menu driven acquisitions program for the BBC-B microcomputer .
24 As the social services account for a substantial part of public spending , cuts affected a wide range of services .
25 Complicated political formulas work for a while and then fall apart .
26 Similar extensive bibliographies appear for the Church of England , all the monastic orders , Roman Catholicism , Spiritual Healing , Judaism , Islam and all other religious denominations and orders of , or relating to , Christianity .
27 The following definitions apply for the purposes of the [ draft ] FRS and in particular the statement of standard accounting practice set out in paragraphs 16 to 61 .
28 In general , when male animals compete for the attention of females , the biggest males are most likely to be successful ; therefore , as Darwin observed , in species where the males compete , they tend to be bigger than females , as in baboons or in most species of seal .
29 The remaining covers apply for the duration of the booked holiday plus the period of travel from home to departure point and back home afterwards not exceeding 24 hours in each case .
30 There is a similar earnings rule for the dependent wife 's pension , and for this purpose an occupational pension also counts as earnings if the wife is under 60 .
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