Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb base] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The report says ‘ Mr Zappala 's … experience … along with his civic activities make him an ideal candidate for the US embassy ’ .
2 The old houses give you the creeps do n't they Bill ?
3 A teaching profession with a better understanding and a wider knowledge of educational research would be more able to question those who indulge in ‘ jargon ’ and also have a solid base from which to put forward their views which , whether rightly or wrongly , still rely too heavily on intuitive feel for what is happening , and I feel confident that the STRN can help bring this about if Scottish teachers give it the support it deserves .
4 The international settings and a word-list in six different languages give it a truly world-wide appeal .
5 When purchasing Malayan Angels give them a large tank with plenty of swimming space and room to grow .
6 Many old hands find it an extraordinarily obscure , though fascinating , activity .
7 Duty Free bargains make it a shopper 's paradise .
8 Is it not a British peculiarity , this combination of public prudery with extreme puriance , extreme interest in sex and devious at that , and which fills the newspapers whenever public events give them an opportunity .
9 To quench is more than to refresh although our lying , lascivious eyes tell us the two are the same .
10 " The prosperity and technology of the developed countries give them the greater possibilities and the greater responsibility " .
11 The following commands give you an example of how to copy the 3DMenu files into a directory called 3DMenu on your hard disk .
12 It is often said that Muslim men think it a matter of pride that their women should n't work .
13 The unusual-looking leaves give it a distinctive appearance .
14 The finding of individual coins or of coin hoards can in some rather obvious respects give us the same sort of information , since the loss of a single coin or the deposit of a hoard is proof of some sort of direct or indirect contact between the place of mint and the place of deposit .
15 Its durable qualities and lightweight characteristics make it a very economical filling with the added advantage of less danger risk from heat and fumes than some other fillings when ignited .
16 ‘ Sometimes we can argue , but on this occasion we 'll have to throw ourselves on the mercy of the court because once again , and this was the second time running , simple , basic errors cost us the game . ’
17 To what extent does its dependence on charitable donations make it an involuntary party in the game of denial ?
18 Apart from his own native predecessors ( principally Condorcet and Comte ) , and the post-Kantian German philosopher , J. G. Fichte , there are many parallels ( as well as differences ) in the ideas of the English schoolmaster , inventor , philosopher and Fabian , Herbert Spencer ( 1820–1903 ) , whose exceptionally voluminous writings make him the father of British sociology .
19 You do n't really want Fabbiano to find out that one of his little girls cost him a whoppin' big order . ’
20 The bald whores give us no money .
21 But in any case , bare titles give us no indication of the strength of their author 's commitment to them .
22 The outboard switches lend you the power to engage or disengage all of the combos ' externally switchable options ( eg. channel selection , graphic on/off and reverb on/off ) direct from the TriAxis .
23 More important is the fact that our simultaneous selfish demands make it a precarious , situational altruism .
24 Environmental pressures give us no option but to exploit animals .
25 Pilot projects have already taken place in two other parts of England , but magistrates in Oxfordshire are confident alterations make theirs a fairer scheme .
26 If a Savage Orc shaman joins a Mob of Savage Orcs ( Boyz or Boar Boyz ) then the Boyz ’ protective tattoos give them a saving throw of a 5 or 6 rather than 6 .
27 SAVE : 3+ ( A Savage Orc 's protective tattoos give him a save equivalent to light armour . )
28 The graceful ferny leaves make it an attractive , low-growing plant for edgings to borders in herb-gardens or beds in mixed plantings ; it is virtually evergreen .
29 This increases the fish 's view just as a car 's rear-view mirrors give us an impression of the scene behind .
30 For this , Italian fanzines make him a perfect Italian boy ( ‘ Mamma is my true sweetheart ’ — Max Magazine ) .
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