Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Outside normal hours and at Belfast or Magee College contact the Security/Portering Staff .
2 In the wake of this violence the National government pushed forward with the Public Order Act which , among other clauses , prohibited the wearing of uniforms for political purposes in public places or at meetings .
3 But , as Action on Smoking and Health predicted that within a few years the majority of companies will have smoking policies , Roger Stubbs , deputy managing director of MORI , warned a confrontation is looming between ‘ green consumers ’ and ‘ smoking civil libertarians ’ who insist aggressively on their right to smoke in public places or at work .
4 Ah well tha no Meadow Road 's got the old gates but at Natherton there were some that did n't have any barriers at all , they were just flashing lights .
5 In the wild they are opportunist feeders and at times of plenty they gorge themselves and then may fast for several weeks .
6 The transport of sulphates over long distances can lead to reductions in visibility over extensive areas and at locations distant from pollution sources .
7 Tanzanians were brought up with their own musical , dance and oral traditions but at school or college were taught the language , culture and even the history of the colonial power .
8 One may need to look closely at developmental and familial aspects , at past and present circumstances and at feelings which , regardless of age , may be unconscious and deeply submerged .
9 The patronage of royal saintly cults implied dynastic predispositions and one cult highly favoured in Wilfridian circles and at Hexham in particular was Oswald 's .
10 Breeds grassy , wooded tundra ; in winter on Arctic coasts and at sea .
11 ( 4 ) Their factories looked naturally to the United States for resources , especially spare parts and at times the shortage of these resources made things very critical .
12 The ‘ new frontiers ’ are opening up not only in molecular science , but also in studies of fast processes in condensed phases and at interfaces .
13 Most are recorded at the coast , particularly in the western harbours and at Rye Harbour , but inland records are frequent from autumn to spring , and up to 65 have been seen at Chichester gravel pits .
14 On the other weekdays and at weekends , Father Barnes was expected to look after himself There had never been a job description .
15 Perhaps for this reason , non-aggressive cats when staring at other cats or at humans will blink , thereby signalling that the scrutiny is not hostile .
16 Yeah , I mean , ef effectively , much of my job is involved with erm , handling negotiations , whether it be internal departments or at agencies , or whatever .
17 Upwards of £12m of tax-payers ' money has been invested in these new forests and at present , in Caithness , forestry has provided only three full-time jobs for local people ; at the cost of the greatest act of environmental vandalism perpetrated in Scotland this century .
18 Northern Exposure has the stuff out at 26 reference sites across Britain including Somerset , Hatfield , Berkshire , Hackney and Tower Hamlets local authorities and at ICL Plc , Westland Helicopters , British Steel , Racal Electronics , Rediffusion and PowerGen .
19 Northern Exposure has the stuff out at 26 reference sites across Britain including Somerset , Hatfield , Berkshire , Hackney and Tower Hamlets local authorities and at ICL plc , Westland Helicopters , British Steel , Racal Rediffusion and PowerGen .
20 He is always delighted when extra candles are lit on special feasts and at Easter .
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