Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nervously Meredith gazed at the open water ahead and then back at Venice , the minarets and bell-towers , the tall palaces just a distant unfocused blur in the morning mist .
2 The structure of surveying education has progressed through a number of fundamental changes since the granting of a Royal Charter to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors over a hundred years ago .
3 Wounded were being brought out from the orchard at the back of the farm which was being subjected to unusually heavy mortaring from the German positions just a short distance across the fields .
4 Valuation reports must be sent at least monthly ( whereas in non-derivative portfolios only a six-monthly statement is required ) although in each case a customer may advise the firm in writing that he wishes to receive them less frequently .
5 The numbers within the Council Tax Control Team have been based on a pro rata of case load plus a 20% increase for personal elements less a nominal number to reflect the transfer of routine functions to the operational teams .
6 The hasty flight to apparently universal rules often gives philosophical notions only a specious air of universality .
7 Chop with fine scissors ill a tilted glass Petri dish .
8 Despite having visited the country and despite a long interest in the area , even I was not fully aware of the complexities and the depth of feeling in the various component parts of Yugoslavia until I read the quite remarkable book that Chris Cviic wrote for the Royal Institute of International Affairs only a few months ago .
9 Skipper Mike Harris managed to locate feeding fish on the shallow reefs just a few miles from shore where John Smith , Bryce Smith and Jamie Smith from Meols , and Liverpool tackle dealer Alan Sharpe , included 50 tasty black bream in their haul .
10 Mini-golf : There are good courses just a few minutes walk from the village centre .
11 There is no doubt that if you have a desire to test your horticultural skills in growing pears then a warm south wall is the ideal for the support of spur-pruned and carefully trained trees .
12 The disk spine may be simple or sometimes there is a collar of secondary points about a third of the way up the shaft .
13 The 4013 i.c. contains two independent bistables so a 2-bit latch may be made using only one chip .
14 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
15 Urging a review of the UK system , compared it with France where , although special support went to deprived regions , there was a wide range of financial incentives specially tailored to industrial programmes so a higher proportion went to businesses most likely to produce the best results .
16 All are small islets only a few thousand square metres in extent , which support a few Shetland sheep , a sizable common seal population and a few birds .
17 ‘ The Shiah , for example , or at least the ones in Iran , believe that the Twelfth Imam — who disappeared in mysterious circumstances over a thousand years ago — is going to come back with a huge army and take over the world . ’
18 The car in front moves forward a few yards , but when Robyn inches forward in turn the young man lays a restraining hand on the Renault 's wing .
19 Beyond the cottages stood the public-house , a ramshackle two-storied building , its whitewashed walls now a dirty grey .
20 Above Angela found the 17th-century four-poster bed while on a foray in the Welsh borders 18 years ago , and came upon the crewel-work hangings only a few weeks later in Hastings .
21 Really it would be nice of we to have A level plays so A level student could come and see .
22 They found a pocket of spring/summer oscillation and camped overnight there , conscious that just yards away a biting winter was flaring and dying , the trees sprouting , then blackening again , as if the buds were tiny creatures , grasping and snatching at the light , then quickly tugging back into their wood-bark holes .
23 Hence the burgeoning popularity of the Bharatiya Janata Party : a fringe party of Hindu extremists only a few years ago , it looks as though it could be part of a government after the election .
24 Although a number of companies were privatised ( some were fully transferred to the private sector , whereas in other cases only a partial stake was sold ) , the scale of the programme and the sums of money raised were relatively small when compared to privatisation during the second and third terms .
25 To a landlord a dwelling may be a unit of accommodation or an item of investment : to a lawyer the dwelling may be a " house " or a " flat " or a set of " premises " , in other words only a legal concept ; but to the occupier the dwelling is his home …
26 With excellent huts only a few hours walk from our tent and the possibility of traversing passes between them , we were spoilt for choice .
27 DR Gregor Gysi , East Germany 's new Communist party ( SED ) chairman , was shunned as a dangerous idealist reformer by the country 's discredited leaders only a few weeks ago .
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