Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cold climates are said to affect blacks adversely because of their body fat deficiencies , weak ankles would account for the lack of black hockey players , etc .
2 Any budding talents should go to the rehearsals held from 6–7pm every Wednesday before the event .
3 Sex is a taboo subject for both young and old , and many of the restrictive and repressive attitudes might have to be overcome by both counsellor and counsellee .
4 His fellow judges disagreed with Lord Denning and his opinions probably do not reflect the law , though the emergence of such views from a source so eminent as Lord Denning demonstrates clearly the common law 's culture of uncertainty , within which repressive rules can emerge without embarrassment .
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree also that those people will not welcome the pledge that was given from the Opposition Benches yesterday to ensure that high-spending Labour authorities can go with gay abandon to yet higher spending ?
6 The proportion of manufactured goods in Malaysia 's total exports would rise from 60.4 per cent in 1990 to 81.8 per cent in 2000 .
7 Total exports must pay for total imports , and if a country 's exports fall then imports will also fall unless the deficiency in exports can be made good in the ways specified .
8 It could , for example , refuse to hand a child back to a drunk parent but the child 's continued detention against parental wishes would have to be authorised by court order as soon as possible .
9 RIGHT Vets can help with behavioural problems whether or not these are a reflection of an underlying medical disorder .
10 The plaintiffs argued that certain specific projects would result in the loss of wildlife covered by the Act , and that therefore their own interests would be harmed .
11 The setting of economic objectives and projections by individual countries would imply that the ‘ success ’ of economic policy could be tested and judged by other countries , and by implication that appropriate economic policies would need to be introduced if objectives were not being achieved .
12 It was a remarkably optimistic speech to Edinburgh University politics society , in a week when the Government 's economic policies will come under severe criticism if , as expected , the number of unemployed rises above 3 million .
13 Different professional institutions may define to a greater or lesser extent the modes and their mix .
14 Certain unwritten rules may apply with regard to hospitality .
15 Candidates accepted for full-time programmes may apply for studentships from the British Academy or ESRC .
16 Political as well as economic reasons might contribute to the use of a standardised design .
17 If the Labour Party were to build up an effective electoral machine , its leaders argued such controversial activities would have to be abandoned in the interests of widening popular support .
18 The Cecchini Report does not have much to say on this issue , but the implication of such a policy is that monetary policies would need to be co-ordinated to prevent the growth of monetary instability .
19 Infringement of European rules may lead to substantial fines and adverse publicity .
20 TGAT had the job of rationalising and elaborating this instruction so that subject working groups would operate to a common format .
21 The working groups will look at particular topics , consider the existing legislation and help prepare a discussion document for wider public consultation setting out the various options for reform .
22 Firstly , section 6(3) ( a ) : if compliance with all parental preferences would result in overcrowding then the governors may apply any reasonable criteria to make the necessary reduction in numbers .
23 ‘ In considering the circumstances referred to in this article , the judicial and administrative authorities shall take into account the information relating to the social background of the child provided by the central authority or other competent authority and the child 's habitual residence .
24 Equally , emotional attitudes may figure as standard causes of certain sorts of utterance .
25 Our most grateful thanks must go to the teachers from Herts .
26 One point that has to be made straight away , is that it is not a good idea to start buying the components for a project published some time ago unless you are certain that all the components are still available ( even up-to-the-minute designs can suffer from supply problems with components — see Everyday Readout in this issue ) .
27 There is also provision for private litigation , whereby private parties can sue for three times the damages inflicted upon them by violations of the law .
28 It is naive to assume that the existence of city technology colleges or grant maintained schools will act as a stimulus to the rest .
29 Specific steps may need to be taken .
30 How many Labour supporters would vote for a ban on fishing ?
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