Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In her early childhood , a threepenny piece had seemed like a fortune , whereas Félix Verveine 's rich clients thought nothing of paying 3,000 francs to be dressed by him .
2 A social studies programme must suggest the use of resources such as the market , the shop , the dispensary or the roadside , even though its makers may be aware that a very large number of deep rural schools have none of these resources at hand .
3 Many inside of Sun at the grass roots level have not agreed with that corporate gospel , hence the repeated attempts to wheel one out the door only to see those plans aborted by management and marketing .
4 In the twentieth century surfing has been appropriated by the advertising industry and invested with enough sexual connotations to sell anything from soap powder to condoms .
5 Lawrence 's views on brown dominions owed something to his intimacy with Lionel Curtis , the indefatigable imperial publicist who was the first person to think seriously about the idea of a multiracial Commonwealth .
6 But the whole sequence of cumulative steps constitutes anything but a chance process , when you consider the complexity of the final end-product relative to the original starting point .
7 He said in one interview that public honours meant nothing to him until his marriage but , even so , the mist of respectability now clung about him always .
8 Philip Bond gives a wonderful and moving portrayal of jaded professor Frank , who does his tutoring job so well he has to watch the once passionate and sentimental Rita turn into a trendy talker whose empty phrases contain nothing of the real her .
9 Admittedly things are not what they were in the ‘ sixties when architects could rely on plenty of money from generous Governments to build lots of colleges .
10 The brief accounts in the narrative sources say nothing about Charles .
11 Cool damp conditions producing lots of leaf and fewer peas in each pod have seen ‘ dirty ’ yields of only about 3.8/ha ( 30cwt/acre ) on early varieties , says Richard Marshall , production director of Lincs-based Branston Produce .
12 THE world of public relations has plenty of detractors but Michael Murphy , the founder and chairman of PR Consultants Scotland , has managed both to make himself wealthy and to run what is widely regarded as Scotland 's most professional home-grown consultancy , as well as its largest .
13 The complexity , and at times the ambiguity , of the norms , regulations and negotiated agreements gives plenty of scope for legal action .
14 At this stage in the period preceding the Budget , he will not expect me or any of my right hon. Friends to say anything about specific tax matters .
15 And then , one day , he came to her church and saw a great gold crown on one chair , billows of lace on another , " two beetle-like old ladies washing something in a pewter receptacle … "
16 The departure of French and British forces left something of a vacuum , which was swiftly filled by another Circassian alien , Mohamed Ali , a wily ambitious Albanian soldier of fortune who had landed with the Ottoman force .
17 Engaging exercises provide plenty of practice of each grammar point .
18 Why not make a visit to the International Motor Show , the British International Antiques Fair , or any of the numerous public exhibitions covering everything from photography to holidays and travel , and classic cars to boats and caravans .
19 Major routes were cart-tracks and marauding bandits and unscrupulous innkeepers thought nothing of robbery and murder .
20 Maybe not : those far right moralists had plenty of ways of surviving nasty revelations and expelling offenders from their ranks .
21 Geographers have discovered a recent tendency for rural areas to see something of a recovery in population and employment levels , no matter where they are ; conversely , conurbation ( metropolitan ) areas have suffered a loss of population and employment , whether in London , the West Midlands or the North ; while intervening areas lie along a statistical continuum .
22 He had mooted the idea of becoming a teacher but made no serious attempts to do anything about it .
23 marketing director for Prontaprint , sets out a few simple guidelines to help anyone in the hotel industry who is commissioning design and print .
24 The opera 's subtitle is ‘ The School for Loves ’ ; and during the course of this dangerous experiment in human emotions , in which the two sisters unwittingly find themselves seduced by each other 's lover , all four central protagonists learn something about themselves .
25 Maggie shot to her feet and stared at him in astonishment , and at that moment Felipe de Santis walked past the room , his dark eyes taking everything at one swift glance — Mitch obviously just leaving , Maggie 's suddenly flushed face and wide eyes and the slightly rumpled bed where she had rested to talk to Mitch .
26 Some of the more developed countries make lots of arms to sell abroad .
27 Even Japanese companies do nothing of the sort !
28 John is convinced visitors bring nothing but good to York .
29 ‘ Good evening , Fabia , ’ he greeted her smoothly as the housekeeper melted away , his dark eyes flicking over her from the top of her golden head , taking in her features and perfect complexion before travelling over her long-sleeved fine wool lime-coloured dress , its straight lines hiding none of her femininity , before his all-assessing gaze ended at her neat two-and-a-half-inch-heel shoes .
30 Now , returning across the Hungerford Bridge , those same thoughts came to haunt him a little as the overhead lights stained everything to the colour of dull old parchment .
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