Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
2 We know too little about the internal social relations of some of the earliest collective and collaborative forms to speak with any certainty of that stage .
3 On St Kilda solifluction and the formation of pro-talus ramparts occurred at this time ( Sutherland et al. , 1984 ) .
4 Their report shows that you 're most likely to fall ill visiting Egypt , Gambia , Turkey and Latin America , while 18 per cent of Spanish holiday-makers suffer from some kind of lurgy .
5 In view of the apparently conflicting views expressed by this court in other cases , in two of which I was personally involved , I would like to add some words of my own .
6 These are paintings of solid forms stripped of all their inessentials and reinterpreted with almost geometric exactitude .
7 That is , the generality of the depression will depend on whether the person 's helpless views extend to all areas of his life ; the length of the depression will depend on how stable his helpless attitudes have become ; and self-esteem will be lowered if the person has internalised his helpless attitudes and sees himself as a failure .
8 Table 1 indicates total Grampian manufactured exports subdivided into industry classes , while Fig.1 illustrates the proportion of the total exports attributed to each of the largest exporting sectors .
9 Between 1911 and 1981 national growth was much slower and regional patterns differed from those earlier .
10 ‘ There are double and triple checks going on all the time . ’
11 As I have suggested , ‘ nation ’ and ‘ nationalism ’ are no longer adequate terms to describe , let alone to analyse , the political entities described as such , or even the sentiments once described by these words .
12 Ironical groans began at that .
13 There are many other distinctions which the Aborigines make which we do not — an illustration of the fact that the world does not come pre-packed into nameable entities waiting for each language to pin its names on .
14 Publication in the Chinese language of anecdotal cases treated in this way has not helped in disseminating knowledge about the use of traditional Chinese herbal medicines .
15 The arrangement of the Local Management of Schools is one of the best initiatives of the Conservative Government and it has freed schools from the heavy-handed control of Local Government , and in particular that of Labour controlled Authorities because it 's a step into the unknown for some , with obviously some doubt at first , and many Labour Groups fed on those doubts with lies and threats but nevertheless it was taken up wholeheartedly by many schools .
16 Four of Africa 's most talented peoples — the Ibo , the Bamilike , the waChagga and the Bugunda — have all had their innovative talents circumscribed for many years .
17 It is that there are no unambiguous criteria with which to judge the contribution that different administrative activities make to some final goal or set of values .
18 In most African countries , government involvement in , and even supervision of , the press may not rest on such ideological precepts : sound pragmatic and economic reasons exist for that involvement .
19 The Croatian cities conquered in this expedition retained a degree of local autonomy by playing off Venice against Hungary as the fortunes of Dalmatia oscillated between the two rival powers .
20 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
21 The issue of animal experimentation is an emotive subject with strong views held on both sides .
22 The word " God " in all the theistic religions refers to that Mystery which is at once transcendent and immanent .
23 And INFOWORLD recently called Version 4.0 ‘ the nest graphics package for the complex technical graphs wanted by most scientists and engineers . ’
24 However , he was struck by the apparent paucity of linguistic skills in the right hemisphere of normal subjects compared to that reported for commissurotomised patients .
25 It is impossible from purely behavioural experiments conducted with neurologically intact subjects to specify with any accuracy the locus in the brain of those neural events which intervene between presentation of a stimulus and the occurrence of some response .
26 Our grateful thanks go to all who participated in any way and helped us to have such an enjoyable and satisfying evening .
27 It has been shown that inactivated herpes virus is more capable of inducing cancerous change in certain cells than the normal virus , and the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any dubious advantages .
28 Anthea Darnell 's coal-black eyes fixed on each of the officers in turn , then riveted their gaze to Montgomery 's face .
29 China is perhaps the best example of the way in which European influences operated in many forms because political power , both direct and indirect , was mingled there with economic exploitation ( for Egyptian and Chinese affairs ; see below , pp. 107 , 124 ) .
30 This article is written with some knowledge , experience and appreciation of the commitment , the personal costs and the professional risks involved for those engaged in the struggle to reform school curricula , teacher education and other spheres and practices .
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