Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 His political inclinations got him into trouble again in 1940 , however .
2 For a moment he thought there was a double meaning in her words , but he dismissed the thought when he recognised it was one of her usual openings to draw him into conversation .
3 Professional clubs formed themselves into limited liability companies not to speculate in the entertainment business but to make legally secure the cost of providing facilities .
4 A white dog with torn ears followed him into the room .
5 The political implication is that blacks should be self-assertive and proud of their black identity and not rely on well-meaning attempts to assimilate them into white society .
6 Ten painful operations to turn me into a picture
7 George Best , a thin teenager from Belfast , whose dribbling skills made him into a star with Manchester United and the darling of the sports and gossip columns epitomized the new era .
8 The trials of his childhood and teenage years turned him into the perfect Prince , but they did not alter his fundamental nature .
9 Her daughter , Gemma , had been left money for her school dinners and an elderly neighbour took her in for several days before social workers took her into care last week .
10 Dr Reid said : ‘ I think what the children have suffered since social workers took them into care in November 1990 has been a lot worse than they had from their father . ’
11 This is a welcome and long overdue development but at the time of writing the detailed regulations bringing it into force have yet to be published .
12 Through the waves of dizziness that made consciousness ebb and flow she was vaguely aware of voices , of being transferred to someone else , then of careful hands lowering her into waiting arms .
13 ‘ A mobility officer from the social services got me into action straight away .
14 He did not , as I had feared , ask me to perform covert assassinations on his behalf and nor did he insist on my using my eidetic capabilities to project myself into the noumenal world that he inhabited with such terrifying ease .
15 In my teens , similar doubts lured me into the darker recesses of the family 's medical encyclopedia , there to discover I was Britain 's first recorded case of Futtock 's Syndrome .
16 In the 1960s , in response to changes in social structure and expectations , and in the context of a party and interest-group world that would not embrace new interests and demands , large numbers of inner-city residents formed themselves into loose groups to press for changes in public policy and in the balance of the public-private provision of the basics for a decent life .
17 Eventually the Head of Customs authorised our documents so it was back to Gate One for the two remaining stamps to allow us into Austria .
18 Her republican sympathies brought her into direct conflict with her brother Sir John French , who was viceroy , but they were reconciled before he died in 1925 .
19 John le Grant 's powerful fingers dug themselves into Tobie 's arm .
20 Its aim was to create a community in which assistance could be given to Russia , Poland and the three former Soviet Baltic states to transform themselves into free-market societies .
21 The first such is Microsoft Workgroup Templates : these are bundles of technologies , such as macros and dynamic link libraries which can be bolted onto existing applications to turn them into a specific workgroup ‘ solution ’ .
22 Wagnerian storm clouds gather doomily as millions of curious souls cram themselves into the multi-tiered arena of the High Court in downtown Afterlife City .
23 Even the dunce might come away from school with a phrase or two — — and the learned have sometimes gone to extraordinary lengths to get him into and out of their systems .
24 The then politicians led them into battle without the right equipment and without a proper defence agreement .
25 Reconstructed interiors and extensive displays take you into the world of James Herriot .
26 You can use coloured dividers to classify them into subjects .
27 They made what seemed to me rather artificial efforts to draw me into the conversation .
28 It goes through various pressing processes to mould it into shape .
29 • Look great in that dress — fast-working exercises to get you into shape for the party season
30 It is thought that , because bacteria are so tiny , the Earth 's gravity has little effect on them and they need their miniature magnets to guide them into the sediment .
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