Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] over [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 As the light of the friendly flames played over their faces , Clare felt she was in a dream world where time was suspended .
2 Father Poole closed his eyes and joined his hands , Latin phrases stumbling over his tongue .
3 In The Wrench he creates the rigger Faussone , the practical man whose cranes girdle the world and who keeps returning , a little heavy-footed , to the house in Turin where two old aunts fuss over his welfare : Faussone was spoken of as ‘ my alter ego ’ , and the book has to struggle to accommodate him as a second person , available for interview by Levi .
4 Families sat on the wooden benches squabbling over their picnics .
5 He let his dark eyes drift over her sodden figure , over the T-shirt , now quite transparent , which clung to her wetly , displaying a pair of nipples that stuck out like doorknobs .
6 His dark eyes flared over her hair and the long lips compressed in irritation as if the sight of her was more than enough to infuriate him .
7 Dragons can lie for dark centuries brooding over their treasures , bedding down on frozen flames that will never see the light of day .
8 They were because he could n't get a pair of ordinary shoes to fit over his infected and frost-bitten feet from four months described as ‘ the nastiest of my life . ’
9 Most of them had shingled awnings borne on prominent brackets projecting over their simple wooden platforms .
10 It would not take much to turn fiercely independent professionals into demoralised , tame civil servants looking over their shoulders rather than at patients .
11 A cloud of small white gulls flew over our heads to land on the grass beyond : kittiwakes .
12 She stands in the garden with a basket over her arm and white pigeons flying over her head .
13 He presents the stories of each community , first as they reacted to invasion and conquest , then as they were treated a couple of centuries later as white settlers took over their lands , and , finally , how the few surviving descendants of these once-proud people are faring today .
14 Her skirt had ridden up and she clung to his shoulders convulsively as she yielded to the sweet torment of his long fingers stroking over her thighs .
15 His long fingers moved over her body , touching , caressing her hips , his mouth increasing the pressure , and she could n't help herself ; her heart was going faster , faster …
16 His black eyes glittered over her face to catch every nuance of expression .
17 ‘ Not at all , ’ he murmured , and reached up a strong hand to flick it out , but not before Rachel had noticed how long his fingers were , and how black hairs grew over his wrists and down towards those fingers .
18 We had not only the glories of the mist-workings on the sides of Bens Each and Leagach on our right ; we had Ben Lair , which was now and again seen with the deep cloud-shapes falling over his rocky summit and his tree-lined base .
19 On bad days he was frantic , with black bristles sprouting over his face , screaming shrilly so that he was quite incomprehensible .
20 The Alpine snows closed over his militant steps , and the sinners he had excommunicated for one reason or another turned their thoughts from irregular union or simony , if they had ever been on them , and peered into the mists of what promised to be a very long vacancy .
21 And almost immediately she 'd felt the forceful beam of Ross 's hard grey eyes sweeping over her slender figure .
22 The grey eyes roamed over her face , and she felt as though she was being devoured by some huge magnetic force .
23 Beyond lay the dense Magyar thoroughfares , the grandiose piles of masonry , where fat profiteers sweated over their calculators .
24 As the purple sarcomas bleed over his body , the Parisian film-maker hero switches his affections between drugs , men and the obsessive teenage Laura .
25 Solveig Shjelstad remembers clearly how because he was so badly disfigured , her mother had sent her to collect small branches to lay over his body before the coffin was sealed .
26 As successive batches of immigrants strove to carve out their own territories and perhaps take over existing farm and hunting lands by force , the already established settlers built impressive hill-forts to watch over their possessions and shelter people and livestock in time of emergency .
27 ‘ You will fix this house , Um Yusef ? ’ the Sheikha asked as we sat in the family majlis , the small children tumbling over her lap like puppies , pushing themselves up for kisses , or simply basking on the warmth of her body .
28 The living-room had once been almost elegant : high , with a deep frieze , plaster cornice , and an elaborate ceiling rose , reminders of a time when even prosperous merchants lived over their shops .
29 Once there , Maria let her robe slide from her shoulders before stepping quickly out of her pants while Luke undressed swiftly , tantalising shadows playing over his flesh , revealed and then tormentingly concealed as he moved in and out of the circle of soft golden light that came from the lamp at one side of her low , wide bed .
30 Once more the blue eyes moved over her body with appreciation , confusing yet exciting her at the same time .
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