Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The big four have asked all Japanese corporations with equity-financing plans to postpone them for the time being .
2 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
3 A panel of medical and scientific experts based them on how likely it was that cancer had been caused by the victim 's working conditions .
4 ( His introduction of lime juice ( and hence vitamin C ) into the sailors ' daily rations cured them of scurvy and gained for the British tars the nickname of ‘ limeys ’ . )
5 The political implication is that blacks should be self-assertive and proud of their black identity and not rely on well-meaning attempts to assimilate them into white society .
6 Legal and natural persons are denied access to most international fora ; exclusionary rules prevent them from being parties , interveners , or even witnesses in what they may see as their own claims .
7 I only hope that the civic authorities have them under better control than they seem to be here .
8 The legs are oleo-pneumatic ; small Schrader-type valves enable them to be kept to the correct pressure .
9 At corner Inn the ostlers were the only visible representatives , and the doors were still closed ; but at the village a number of the natives were astir , and came to a little stone pier where a boat 's crew were exchanging for the coin of the realm the sparkling treasure netted in the night season , and many of the lodgers would have the freshest of fresh herrings waiting them for breakfast .
10 Their exploitation of this recently opened path aroused jealousy among the knights , one of whom refused to answer a charge levelled against him by the Erembalds in the court of Charles the Good , on the ground that his accusers ' lowly social origins barred them from comital justice .
11 The majority of Athenian citizens were working men who needed the meagre payment that was eventually made for carrying out public duties to compensate them for the loss of daily earnings .
12 Life in Parma at the beginning of the school year seemed normal apart from the Fascist propaganda in the papers , but one began to sense that the members of the Party were becoming even more arrogant and domineering than before , and that it was increasingly important for people with different ideas to keep them to themselves and never to discuss politics .
13 His child-like enjoyment of the new equipment and gadgetry he came to be able to afford in later life gave warmly affectionate amusement to his friends especially when they found him camping in his own front garden in the latest tent and sleeping bag , or were asked to take him , when he was stone-blind from glaucoma , to the locations of his favourite plants to photograph them with an auto-focus camera .
14 It may be that learners have internalized aspects of the system which for one reason or another they can not access on particular occasions , that circumstances of different kinds prevent them from acting on this knowledge .
15 The only message some of them had had time to give their children as the social workers took them to waiting cars was ‘ have faith , be strong , we 'll do what we can ’ .
16 Dr Reid said : ‘ I think what the children have suffered since social workers took them into care in November 1990 has been a lot worse than they had from their father . ’
17 It would be great to take the lads to international tournaments , because playing against foreign teams brings them on no end .
18 Some of the houses were built on high platforms to protect them from the June floods .
19 The point of the approach is to apply an attitude of critical affirmation to the different traditions enabling them to be studied and discussed in a way which is affirming of members of the traditions without succumbing to naivety or blandness .
20 Certain collections Mickey Mouse ephemera or period memorabilia need a range of different treatments to display them to their best advantage : dot pictures and plaques round the wall , arrange toys and crockery on shelves , lay rugs on the floor .
21 Shortly after the Salon des Indépendants , the Societe des Artistes Indépendants of Brussels invited the French painters to join them in their yearly show , which was to open in June .
22 Overcast ( oversewing ) is used to neaten raw edges to prevent them from fraying ( fig. 16 ) .
23 Det Insp Brian Welfare , of Sussex CID , said that he had met the university 's residential advisers to alert them to the risk to other students .
24 The French suffered enormous casualties , including Ring John of Bohemia , the Duke of Lorraine and the Counts of Blois and Flanders , and Froissart suggests that only Edward 's decision not to pursue the remnants of the French forces saved them from even more serious losses .
25 Kuwait is urging the commission to encourage all countries holding frozen Iraqi assets to transfer them to the commission to meet claims .
26 Scottish police found them in a women 's refuge in Inverness but they disappeared again and may now be in London a city Mrs Ivory knows and likes .
27 The survey shows that more than half the companies which have smoking restrictions introduced them after pressure from the workforce , with a quarter having the issue raised through health and safety committees .
28 The Elves of Ulthuan maintain fortresses and watchtowers in these desolate lands to warn them against invaders .
29 The rather flat results of the autumn sales of nineteenth-century paintings in New York indicated that the market remains somewhat thin , although , as usual , good pictures , attractively priced , nearly always sell , if not for the frequently high estimates given them by the auction houses .
30 The fact is that the clothing ( Carhartt and its ilk ) and the footwear ( Blundstone , Red Wings , Georgia Boot ) — traditional US , Canadian , Australian and even Japanese labels producing clothing for the outdoor worker — have only recently gained proper agents to represent them around Britain .
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