Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Screwed-up moody boys come over all alienated in Oxford
2 WHEN three European foreign ministers trooped off to Moscow last week , Mikhail Gorbachev talked politely about the Gulf war but failed to mention the peace plan he was about to launch .
3 All over the island tall old trees crashed down , and less tall trees whipped about and were filleted of their leaves and branches .
4 Beret-clad students ride around reeking of garlic , Breton-smocked social workers drive around in Citroens listening to Edith Piaf , wine-soaked alkies block the pavement like revolting farmers and jobless actors loll around in cravats striking Alain Delon poses .
5 THE IDEA OF a new organization championing endangered historic buildings grew out of ‘ The Destruction of the Country House ’ , the first major exhibition Roy Strong held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1974 following his appointment as Director .
6 Herbs distributed about the garden mixed in with the general plantings will often supply that " surprise " quality that the old garden-landscape designers insisted on , as an aroma wafts through the air on a hot sunny day , or when a plant is brushed accidentally so that a spicy smell comes apparently out of nowhere .
7 FIFTEEN people from 10 different European countries stopped off at Londonderry yesterday to take at look at how the different cultural traditions work in Northern Ireland .
8 How far such seismic social pressures come through to a child may be impossible to judge .
9 The Soviets produced a highly accurate radar network and this , linked with improved surface-to-air missiles brought about the downfall of the concept of a manned , intercontinental , high altitude bomber .
10 Not all British private-eye stories match up to their American counterparts , but it can be done .
11 Many were seeking to get out while they could , so many indeed that Ramsay feared that they must be seen by the blockading English ships lying off , for the July night was less dark than he could have wished .
12 This area was once the site of a Gunpowder Mill and a lot of the old ruined buildings remain around the river including the Weir and the Old Mill Lade .
13 This has been a wine producing area for years and there are many ‘ heurigen ’ ( wine houses ) , with their ornately carved wooden gates leading through to shady courtyards and ‘ Flaschenwein ’ signs indicating that local wine is available .
14 The scene is thus set for large-scale reductivist paraphrases , which in different ontological theories take on different forms , depending upon what kind of entities are regarded as basic .
15 On my right , across the river , steep forested banks rose up from the water .
16 Wet brown arms reached out of the pool and shook my hand .
17 From a decade of cobwebs and dyed glass she felt old leaf-like hands reach out and brush her .
18 The situation can be seen either as successive waves of colonists from old established centres filling in the landscape with daughter settlements , or as a scatter of settlements , some of which develop while others remain unaltered .
19 Teenage antenatal classes exist in quite a few hospitals now , but there are not nearly enough .
20 The state is linked to all three components , through a set of institutions which : regulates the sphere of circulation , in order to ensure continued accumulation of surplus value in the sphere of production , but in doing so may promote the interests of certain intra-class groups over others ; oversees the processes of economic , biological and cultural reproduction ; and acts as the arena within which the popular democratic forces struggle over the other two .
21 A room that British civil servants moan about but defend the way New Yorkers do New York because it shows how unique they are in coping so splendidly in such surroundings .
22 Old gossiping women dressed up like men .
23 But later he awoke to his own cry as creatures from under large old moss-green rocks crawled up his legs , leeching on the white skin , wetly sucking the blood , and above him , ropes , rigging , nets , a gigantic sagging cobweb of strung and re-strung hemp lines , swayed down to trap him ( children crying ) , and wherever he looked the wide mouths of women , no other feature but the mouth , tongues thick and purple as damsons , teeth white as the flecks on fall water and hands , nails curled and black , clawing at him , at his clothes , at his chest , at his face ( children wailing ) , ripping it away , tearing the skin from the skull …
24 Strikes and spares aplenty were required and both Scottish Amicable teams set out to prove once again that consistency counts .
25 Funny little faces peering down at me through the branches overhead .
26 They encountered no difficulties en route , although they had to traverse one of the most dangerous ambush points in all South Scotland , at Pease Dean , where the Lammermuirs came directly down to the coast in steep wooded slopes cut up by deep ravines , and round which travellers had to wend their narrow , devious way .
27 In the living room , with her almost translucent white legs sticking out of her dressing-gown , Mum was drawing .
28 The heavy makeup melting even in the air-conditioning , the legless beggar who sleeps under the office porch and cleans their shoes in gratitude , the slums you can not observe because no roads go through the swamps and whose inhabitants do not exist for the State because the census officials can not reach them , the bomb-carriers serving as flower-pots , the boys selling themselves to the rich English ex-public schoolboys , the girls selling themselves to the fat German tourists , the police raping the boys and the girls they are protecting in the police-stations , the Committee officers boasting to Kate about the elegant jerk-offs in the massage parlours , their ever-decorative ever-bored wives boasting to Kate about their jewellery , the Thai girls saving up for eye and breast jobs , the luxury hotels where the high-class white whores hang out , the students shot by the military during a demonstration against the army regime , the girl students daring for the first time to stay out at night on the streets to picket , the crushing of strikes with bullets and beatings , the barring of political books in the Committee library , the anti-Communist adverts punctuating the Western films on TV .
29 In the north of the Border shires , along the flanks of low hills such as the Eildons , medieval monastic establishments built up their extensive sheep runs , denuding the cover of the hills and destabilizing the soil .
30 This smaller team takes records to shops which have a high singles turnover and also carries the most popular current albums to top up a shop 's supply of its best-selling products .
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