Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Without healthily competing parties , Poland 's brave experiment with free-market economics risks having no solid political base to rest on .
2 True , the team was not getting any younger — the average age was approaching thirty — but the manager was a past master at recharging faltering spirits , and in an emergency there was always the strong reserve force to call on .
3 I 've scoured the the technical professional press to find out if there is some general statement which sums up what sustainability means , and the one which I 've seen most commonly referred to , I think , and the government has used it in this way , is a requirement to ensure the needs of the present generation are met in a way which does not prejudice future generations , now I do not believe that a properly conceived and located new settlement is any less sustainable in the long term that other forms of urban growth , and by properly conceived I 've got to say I believe that to mean properly balanced er form of development for the new settlement , and I think I would say that new settlements have usually been proposed because continued infilling , like the the normal forms of accommodating further development requirements , infill , and peripheral development , have been determined in York context not to be sustainable , the sorts of issues which arise as a result erm of additional development in or on the edge of York and the surrounding villages , problems of additional congestion , loss of green space in towns , loss of employment opportunities and so on .
4 He adds these words , which I ask my right hon. Friend to pass on to our right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer : ’ However , there is a recognition that some responsibility for securing fair competition lies with the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
5 The subject is under strong social pressure to go along with the hypnotist ; he has agreed in good faith to be hypnotised , after all , and is determined to carry out the hypnotist 's suggestions .
6 the window he 's a brave old boy to go in .
7 More crucially there is little social scientific work to fall back upon , in order to demonstrate what people consider to be prototypical examples of prejudice and discrimination .
8 There 's the 950 year old Imperial Castle to inspect along with street after street of colourful shops , cafés and restaurants .
9 The final stage before the body leaves the body shop for the paint shop is normally for the completed welded body to pass down a line of welders and grinders .
10 The British media 's peculiar psychological tendency to build up sportsmen only to make them scapegoats , at a later stage , for wider national ills is well enough recognised by cricketers .
11 This smaller team takes records to shops which have a high singles turnover and also carries the most popular current albums to top up a shop 's supply of its best-selling products .
12 Completely self-contained automatic unit to ward off thieves
13 Although such overtures to work the mines were directed at the Lord of the Manor , really at this time the landowner was not it , a proper legal position to let out the veins on his land where these Carried the Royal Minerals , gold and silver .
14 And yet it is still against the law of the land for another ordained Anglican leader to come in and plant another church to help reach the people !
15 I wanted to use different coloured pens to mark out various patterns on the same sheet as I could only afford to buy one sheet at the time .
16 But he also noted that in the light of the extent of fossil fuel burning , deforestation and population growth , " we may need radical and risky geo-engineering schemes to muddle through while we figure out how to cure the problem fundamentally " .
17 The minimum number of prey items in the predator assemblages is based on the highest number of any single element in the assemblage , but it is not possible without direct experimental observation to extrapolate back from this to what the predator actually ate ( Yalden , 1985 ) .
18 A recession causes many reliable creditworthy consumers to go under ; how safe will new and existing scoring systems now be ?
19 Two days later we were in the grips of another Hebbert epic , running round the High Level Route to get back to Wasdale Head for 10.00pm — our estimated time of return had been three hours earlier !
20 As well as powdering herself with the same orange and blue skin-whitening powders which her mother and grandmother had used , our bride asked maids and foreign Arab friends to search out modern creams and perfumes to be tried and kept , tried and discarded .
21 The Garden had no computer communication links , so that the Library could not access on-line bibliographic databases to carry out literature searches for staff , and there was no possibility of using computers for data exchange between institutions .
22 Another half-hour 's walking brought me to Cow Dub where a stream thunders down from a lip of flowstone , crashing through a narrow tubular cavern to scour out a perfectly formed round pool below .
23 OFFICIALS at the United Nations are appealing to the rich industrialised world to help out developing countries in the area of space science and technology .
24 The ability of the European Central Bank to carry out policy will depend upon the independence of the individual central banks .
25 Whether your hair has been chemically treated or not , you should take extra rich products to put back the moisture removed by the sun , sea and chlorine .
26 I mean , they should n't want more than seven per cent because the cost of living , you know , the inflation 's gone down , but then when a bloke gets forty five thousand quid , you know eh , on a firm where they 've a , they 've made a profit , but he got an increase of forty five thousand pound which was of , no , no about forty per cent rather , forty per cent increase in his salary , I mean it 's bloody , I mean , how can , how can they expect , you know , the ordinary working man to put up with bloody awful increase , if , if they go and give bosses increases like that , I mean it does n't make sense .
27 But yesterday Mr Collor struck back by announcing a detailed Thatcherite economic plan to roll back the frontiers of the state .
28 Enticing private enterprise to take over the American Landsat remote-sensing system is fairly easy to understand .
29 The process has also involved a degree of cautious political liberalisation to attract back Iranian exiles and their funds .
30 Finally , an audit trail maintains a record of all the network activity , including unsuccessful illicit attempts to log on or access restricted files or devices .
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