Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The time is always right for a good idea , even if it 's not your own .
2 It is easier when you are feeling fresh and alert after a good night 's sleep than at the end of a busy day , easier for short periods than for long periods .
3 ‘ The bridge was too high for a good angle anyway and the fact that it blocked the view of so many meant that the atmosphere never developed properly , so that the cameras had nothing convey .
4 You 're not too old for a good smack . ’
5 The screen is clear with a good colour scheme for those with colour monitors .
6 Nor are they much interested in a good figure , eyes , hair , breasts or legs .
7 Free to a Good Home
8 How well no it was free to a good home it was please take it .
9 Er , to what extent er , was the er , was the performance of , of Camco erm , er dependent on a good performance from ?
10 Some remarks made at the time by the defence correspondent of a major London weekly are representative of a good deal of professional opinion expressed both then and since .
11 But misses at times when they seemed set for a good end let the Stranraer team in .
12 Eventually , the message reaches the end of the line , and we read it ( or rather our 12,000th great grandchildren do , assuming that all the typists have a speed typical of a good secretary ) .
13 And it is only fairly recently — probably since my mother 's death — that I have been able to abandon the naive belief that such an apparently ‘ perfect ’ relationship is indicative of a good marriage .
14 Rod Wallace appears to be producing some good performances although he 's not putting all his chances away — those misses in the first half on Saturday would probably be crucial against a good side .
15 Be warm with a good duvet or sheets with extra blankets if required .
16 Causes and effects , then , are certain spatio-temporal items , individual properties and relations , as distinct from a good deal else .
17 The cost of replacinng a keycard is crucial in a good security system .
18 Some cases are uncomplicated with a good prognosis while others are difficult to manage with a poor anticipated outcome .
19 In all the circumstances some rot of some kind was almost inevitable in a good proportion of gliders .
20 His largest fault , perhaps , and one natural to a good hater , was a congenital inability to accept that mortal creatures hold incompatible views and behave in ways incompatible with their views , so that to the end of his days he declined to accept any difference between holding a speculative opinion that is evil and being bad .
21 I mean the feeling that I got from our research was that there are certain things that are absolutely basic to a good relationship between the school and the parent .
22 When the weather was too rough for a good shot , or for Gould to be lowered in a boat to collect his prize , he would stand on deck and fish for his birds with a hook and line .
23 They freeze well — pop them into the freezer in a polythene bag or box — and can be cooked from frozen after a good rinse .
24 But so few people take such words seriously that the nationalists have had to set their main protest for June 24th , Quebec 's national day , to be sure of a good turnout .
25 Because of the Farm 's history , they used the occasion to mount a show of force , and to do so at 5pm , when children playing on the estate would be terrified by the raid , but when they could be sure of a good spot on the Six O'Clock News .
26 I should be awfully sorry if you decided you ought to get a job elsewhere where you would be sure of a good future , but I would n't hold it against you .
27 Whatever you choose , you 're sure of a good time .
28 My idea was partly to make sure of a good time , as I have always had there , and partly to set the tone for my future articles .
29 To be sure of a good set , use preserving sugar with added pectin .
30 Steve Cauthen is confident of a good run from Irish St Leger winner Mashaallah , but Magic Night has been in this battle before and this time she can win .
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