Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the time when " in BNC.

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1 The memory was still fresh of the time when he was considered a world-beater , and in receipt of so much weight from Arkle he could certainly be given a realistic chance .
2 ( a ) the goods are free , and will remain free until the time when the property is to pass , from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the buyer before the contract is made , and
3 I w I I personally er made it clear at the time when they changed the rules er er fairly recently , that I did n't think they should .
4 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
5 We can at least be sure of the time when the town died , because apart from the abrupt halt in telegraph traffic , the big clock on the Military Hospital was found intact in the smouldering ruins , with its hands stopped at 07.52 .
6 Their exclusion from the normal commerce of local society was perpetuated long beyond the time when leprosy had been controlled ; indeed , it was not until the nineteenth century that some Cagots finally became authentic citizens .
7 Officers wore scrimshaws as jewellery along with the most noble , holy decorations incorporating tiny slivers of the Emperor 's own armour from aeons ago , prior to the time when that Divine Immortal was prisoned in his prosthetic golden throne .
8 Until the advent of man in physical geography it could be argued that physical geographers had escaped from the effects of human activity by concentrating their endeavours upon rural and unmodified spatial areas and upon time scales prior to the time when human activity began to exercise a significant influence .
9 No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business .
10 No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business .
11 Finally , the Yugoslav government held up payment to the construction enterprises for several more months , and then paid them in dinars at the current rate of exchange , which was considerably worse than the rate applicable at the time when payment was originally due .
12 What matters is the status of the party as unassisted at the time when he incurred the costs in the proceedings which he seeks to recover .
13 All those who were kind enough to offer me hospitality wanted me to see as much as possible in the time when I was not teaching .
14 This is one reason why TV buyers may wish to keep part of their budgets flexible beyond the time when they might usually prefer to commit themselves — they may , of course , find that they can not buy the time they want , but this is a risk they may be willing to take in order to get a better price .
15 Would he tell us then what he believes the impact of the er pay settlements will have on the spending he 's allowed local authorities because it seems to me there must either be a cut in staff er and a cut in services if they 're gon na keep within the the money that he made available at the time when he was n't aware of these settlements .
16 ( 2 ) On receiving the claim the Board shall inquire into the matter and shall , subject to the provisions of this section , give by way of repayment such relief … in respect of the error or mistake as is reasonable and just : Provided that no relief shall be given under this section in respect of an error or mistake as to the basis on which the liability of the claimant ought to have been computed where the return was in fact made on the basis or in accordance with the practice generally prevailing at the time when the return was made . …
17 I find that the conditions prevailing at the time when the reduction in rent was made , had completely passed away by the early months of 1945 .
18 I am satisfied that the promise was understood by all parties only to apply under the conditions prevailing at the time when it was made , namely , when the flats were only partially let , and that it did not extend any further than that .
19 On the facts the accused was guilty at the time when the label was swapped , not at the time when he removed the item from the shelf , intending to switch the label .
20 The Court of Appeal in Gregory ( 1982 ) 77 Cr App R 41 considered this case to be one of " instantaneous appropriation " , yet Pitham & Hehl does look like a case where the course of stealing was not complete at the time when the defendants got their hands on the furniture .
21 I suggest that you have some brine shrimp nauplii or microworm ready for the time when they become free-swimming .
22 ( 2 ) That the transfer had been executed within the powers of the attorney ; that between the defendant and the perpetrators of the fraud the transfer was merely voidable ; and that , accordingly , the transfer was valid at the time when the building society advanced the mortgage money ( post , p. 680C–G , H ) .
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