Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] i [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 Is it not just as strange for me to state out loud ‘ p , but I do n't have any vocal chords ’ ?
2 Now you 've made it impossible for me to carry out an interview despite the fact I 've been extremely patient "
3 It is good for me to get out and do the shopping ; I enjoy that bit of fresh air every day , and it is something I have got to do because this is when I meet people .
4 When he was dead , it was far too late for me to opt out .
5 It was useless for me to point out that the proposals were not those of the Government but of a group of advisers whose only power was to suggest .
6 It is useless for me to point out that scientific curiosity by itself is as irresponsible as the curiosity of a child .
7 They dig trenches which make it difficult for me to get out ?
8 He liked her ; but then , he was keen for me to go out with anyone , as long as they were not boys or Indians .
9 I felt the corporeal elephant on whose back my world was supported amble effortlessly along , rather that it being necessary for me to lean out from the howdah of my head and goad him .
10 It is hardly necessary for me to point out that should this advice be tendered and refused by Your Majesty , only one result could follow in accordance with the requirements of constitutional monarchy , that is , the resignation of myself and the National Government .
11 Indeed , he predeceased Sir Nelson , which made my task a little easier , inasmuch as it was not necessary for me to carry out complicated inquiries in India .
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