Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The minting of his own coins by Beonna could suggest that he too broke free for a time from Aethelbald 's domination .
2 Kevin Bartlett , the Notts County forward , is favourite with a time of 11.40sec .
3 As such it seems particularly appropriate for a time of rapid change and the need to unlearn dogmatism .
4 It seems ironic at a time of mounting concern about the excessive hours of junior hospital doctors .
5 But although it could be seen as the fashion of protest — ‘ what could be more defiant at a time of recession and social decay than seemingly lavish , luxurious clothes ? ’
6 Well , I , I think it 's a sound idea , I think it 's sad at a time of local government reorganization when we 're likely to see authorities getting smaller , and yet the , the issues wo n't get any smaller , and the new authorities may well be having to look at ways of getting together with their neighbours to look at strategies which cover areas of the sort of size of the old county areas , and also getting together to , to , to meet , erm , organizations which will still on county-size boundaries , like Techs , and , and similar .
7 Kapil 's early partners were busy medium-pacers in Karsan Ghavri and Madan Lal , while Chetan Sharma looked promising for a time before fading out of contention .
8 I suppose it 's inevitable at a time like this , but now that the Inquiry has been set up my firm advice to everybody is er stop propagating rumours and er give any information which you think is relevant to the Inquiry .
9 Because she was an ebullient , high-profile blonde , married for a time to comedian Jim Davidson , she had occasionally to live with some embarrassing publicity .
10 There is no broadcast equivalent to ‘ popular press ’ , though the term ‘ pop radio , was current for a time in the 1970s .
11 In other words , contemporaries viewed bribery as a bargain in which a vote was exchanged for something tangible at a time of election , but quite apart from the general distaste for such transactions , there was insufficient patronage available to permit its lavish use , and there was certainly never enough money .
12 The family 's economic need is particularly pressing at a time of inflation .
13 It 's wrong for you to be alone at a time like this . ’
14 And there certainly was n't any point in her moving out of her Mum 's to live alone at a time like this .
15 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
16 I mean , I would have expected something a bit more spiritual for a time like this .
17 Chelmer 's comeback rider Bill Bradfield was pleased with a time of 1.4.24 , while pedalling policeman Mark Kliskey crossed the line 25 seconds behind him .
18 They seem to prey ( forgive the pun ) on the bereaved at a time of distress .
19 She had , by then , been with Virgin for six years , and brought the company much success , in particular during a time of economic crisis for Virgin .
20 Einstein proposed a box full of radiation with a clock-operated shutter , so arranged that it was open for a time At , letting out some radiation during this period .
21 This requires suitable systems and procedures , and is absolutely vital at a time of considerable change .
22 How I could fall asleep at a time like that I do n't know .
23 Relations between the two were complex , very close for a time during the war .
24 What you want is to find yourself slim and attractive after a time on an easy , satisfying diet .
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