Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] all [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Surely it is treacherous to blame the palaces of the rich for all the blood spilt on battlefields ?
2 It is not possible for all the Eurodollars in existence to be spent within the US .
3 If the water did enter a person 's house they were usually able to move all of the furniture and possessions upstairs where they would keep safe and dry , but this was not possible for all the residents .
4 Here I come , the great man himself , the master of the house , the wage-earner , the one who makes it possible for all the rest of you to live so well !
5 In that context , the designation by article 5(1) of the Convention of the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question expresses the concern that , because of the close links created by a contract between the parties thereto , it should be possible for all the difficulties which may arise on the occasion of the performance of a contractual obligation to be brought before the same court : that for the place of performance of the obligation .
6 It is not possible for all the functions of the two desks to be done at one desk in reception .
7 These negative forces are all around us , presently very tangible and running rampant for all the world to see as our planet appears to enter its grand finale .
8 It is vital to face up to some of the problems inherent in the situation and to be as honest as possible about all the relationships involved .
9 But what you have to do is actually realize that Jesus died for you you have to be sorry for all the things that you 've done wrong and you need to ask him to come into your life and to be your own saviour .
10 ‘ I feel so sorry for all the families who have suffered . ’
11 It was a tricky move and the delay has n't altogether suprised us but we are very sorry for all the problems .
12 I 'm sorry for all the nonsense , I 'm appallingly ashamed . ’
13 ‘ Dana is very sorry for all the trouble she has caused and wants me to forgive her . ’
14 Will still laughed at people in his plays , but he also felt sorry for them — sorry for all the world , good and bad , rich and poor , young and old .
15 I know they are all going to get a great deal out of this experience , I am deeply grateful for all the help that is being given them , they have had such a worrying time , I do not think one of them could have had a holiday this year without help , but I have faith to think it will be a good investment for the WEA .
16 Scotland has had its full share of the ‘ cake ’ and I would imagine that the National Trust for Scotland is grateful for all the help it has received .
17 Another reason to be grateful for all the publicity and discussion about child abuse is that former victims are seeking treatment at a far earlier age than was previously the case and therefore are able to go on and live a normal life once that treatment is complete .
18 This is good news indeed and the students and families concerned are most grateful for all the support which helped bring about such a satisfactory outcome .
19 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
20 ‘ I hope you 're grateful for all the trouble I 've just gone to , ’ he said .
21 Their names were Donald , Ian and Hugo , and they told us that they were extremely grateful for all the food but that the last thing they wanted was to put us in any danger : they begged us not to come again because there would almost certainly be someone in the village who would denounce us to the Germans or the Fascists .
22 Sorry about all the buts ; they are necessary , though .
23 But it 's just as strong for all the others as they toil away , unseen and unsung , Behind The Curtain .
24 Wet through all the time !
25 I thought this wholly apposite for all the people working in the Undercroft in Christian Aid Week .
26 You are light for all the world .
27 Swim clear of all the ropes , swim around to the back of the boat , pull the daggerboard down and then simply flip the boat upright again .
28 To end your pre-shoot planning session , pick one or two camera positions which will keep you clear of all the coming and going .
29 The garrison finally capitulated at 4 pm , enabling the Duke to write complacently : ‘ Now we may have the happiness to say that this part of the kingdom is clear of all the rebels . ’
30 It was in deficit in its trade with the outside world , calculated in Soviet domestic prices , but with its oil and other resources expressed in world market prices it was the only republic to have a positive balance in its trade with non-Soviet partners ; and it was the most economically self-sufficient of all the republics .
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