Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] time like " in BNC.

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1 I suppose it 's inevitable at a time like this , but now that the Inquiry has been set up my firm advice to everybody is er stop propagating rumours and er give any information which you think is relevant to the Inquiry .
2 It 's wrong for you to be alone at a time like this . ’
3 And there certainly was n't any point in her moving out of her Mum 's to live alone at a time like this .
4 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
5 I mean , I would have expected something a bit more spiritual for a time like this .
6 How I could fall asleep at a time like that I do n't know .
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