Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 She was polite about the leeks and lumpy cheese and said a similar thing could be done with endives and it looked at first as if the lunch was going to prove a slightly awkward affair .
2 These sentiments were to prove too rich for the Whigs and Liberals who were predominant in the mid nineteenth century .
3 Henry O'Bree was depressed about the exams and left behind a suicide note .
4 Self-representation in this way was never as systematically developed as the products of modern propaganda machines , but , as with the study of portraiture , it can be very revealing about the aspirations and claims of any regime , matters which are as interesting to the historian as the reality of what actually happened .
5 In the real world , these results are neither as good for the Tories nor as bad for Labour as the polls and media predictions have made them seem .
6 He claims the incidence of HIV is small , and is confident the new health authority monitoring system will be more specific about the numbers and groups to target .
7 The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly as the marchers and their supporters wind down after a hard day .
8 But women clearly found ways of turning a restrictive garment into an alluring fashion : the surviving representations of the stola show it as a revealing slip , cut low between the breasts and often suspended from the slimmest of decorative straps .
9 As no form of updating had taken place the room was in need of considerable physical repair … much of the stock dated back to the school 's opening and was therefore unsuitable for the pupils and curriculum of today .
10 Agriculture will have to be re-thought , because most crops , at present , grow close to their physiological limits ; and present day wildlife reserves may prove unsuitable for the plants and animals they contain , as the climate within them changes .
11 Litter from battery hen farms is unsuitable for the plants and though turkey litter was tried last Christmas it proved much less successful than the chicken fuel .
12 Its body is held upright and what was the dorsal fin has become an undulating rear engine , which with the help of whirling pectorals on either side , enables it to move erect and stately through the corals and weed forests .
13 Ex-King 's Cup player Robin Drysdale echoed the sentiments of many , at the conclusion of his first Series event at his club in Bracknell , when he said ‘ these events are terrific for the kids and I shall definitely be running one again next year . ’
14 Even if you want to make a poem in the end , write in prose first , just to make sure you 're clear about the feelings and experiences that have come to the surface .
15 The language is not always clear as the dialects and slang can be confusing but they do convey the right atmosphere .
16 Placement may assist in pulling together the framework and coherent objectives for partnerships ; can explore how other organisations may be used ; is able to secure commitment to growth by partners through direct experience of one another ; establishes communications between the various partners ; may be used to identify who should be involved and at what levels ; provides a regular data and information flow through its exchange mechanism ; may indicate for the local area the support available from national employers that may be utilised at the local level ; constructs environments where introductions are purposeful between the partners and can adopt an incremental approach to partnership activity .
17 This broad , cobbled area , the main market place of the city , was packed with carts bringing in wine from the vintners , lawn for the cloth guilds , and vegetables packed high for the stalls and booths in the Poultry .
18 Too often the curriculum of the comprehensive school was that of the grammar , high status academic subjects were on offer to the academically able child and the rest suffered a watered down version of ‘ studies ’ : European for those judged not capable of sustaining a foreign language , classical for those not taking Latin and Greek , social for the non-geographers and historians , and rural for those not taking ‘ proper ’ science .
19 Very slowly and deliberately Isambard slipped his feet clear of the stirrups and leaned forward as if to swing himself out of the saddle , but in the act he jabbed home hard into the beast 's side with his right spur , and drove him not forward , but flinching sidelong into the bushes in a wild leap ; and leaning both hands on the pommel of his saddle he vaulted out of it and dropped crashing into the bushes almost on top of Owen .
20 Opposite : A spin-off kite ‘ at the ready ’ for launch with bridle lines clear of the spurs and pre-checked for symmetry .
21 An illuminated indicator told them to stand clear of the doors and then they closed .
22 Down the clachan street he ducked and dodged through the retiring clansmen , half-hidden by the smoke , Lachlan yelling after him , till suddenly they were clear of the huts and into the fight round the ships .
23 Then he shook his feet free of the stirrups and , lifting his horse for the last time , sent it rearing into the enemy mass to crash and sink amongst them .
24 Once they 'd come out of the house , he 'd shaken himself free of the women and had now adopted a surly silence .
25 He was best to be free of the humiliations and the uncertainties of the farm .
26 By April a Philips single , ‘ I Believe ’ by Frankie Laine , is top of the charts and proves to be another nine-weeks-at-the-top monster .
27 Manufacturing employment decline reached the level of 29.7 per cent in Greater London , from 1981 to 1987 , and was prevalent throughout the cities and other districts of metropolitan counties .
28 Maurice looked hurt at the very suggestion and suddenly Charlotte felt she was seeing beyond what had once been opaque but was now transparent into the cogs and coils of her brother 's mind .
29 He was popular with the grooms and the coachmen and yet they respected him and his discipline was firm .
30 The aircraft proved popular with the pilots and a further three were ordered by the CAA .
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