Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to do [art] same " in BNC.

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1 His achievements to date were listed : charges laid on the railway in the Tobruk area on the night of 14 October ; a failed attempt to do the same near Sidi Barani which resulted in the death of the patrol commander , Lieutenant Shorten ; two further breaks in the railway on 24 October ; nine breaks on 29 October , and finally another attack on the track on 31 October .
2 You can buy a strong slim trowel to do the same job and there are several on the market .
3 Basically this involves using the right foot to draw the ball into the post from the left side of the field and the left foot to do the same from the right side .
4 Two elderly ladies getting out seemed to be having difficulty in trying to persuade a large dog to do the same .
5 On several occasions , we have invited former members of staff to launch previews , and I am sure it is a good idea to do the same at Lyons farm .
6 ‘ We will continue … to pursue steadily the path of co-operation with China and we look to the Chinese side to do the same .
7 Accordingly Baldwin packed his suitcase , instructed his parliamentary private secretary to do the same , and set off yet once more in the small black car .
8 It used to be common for agreements for the supply of crude oil to do the same , but these have gone out of fashion in recent years with the volatility of oil prices : they may reappear if the oil price settles down .
9 The Lettrists and the Situationists had used ‘ pre-existing elements ’ for their own ends , and so the editors of the Boston text and the curators of On the Passage have , they feel , a certain entitlement to do the same .
10 Whereas I had seen the doctor who used the charity format as something of a villain , Bulgakov portrays himself as a hero in these stories and plainly expects his Soviet readership to do the same .
11 Instead he raised his talons and struck at the wire mesh in his own turn , which only provoked the other eagle to do the same again , the sounds of both of them increased by the flapping of their great wings and the crashing of their beaks on the cage walls as they vainly tried to get at each other .
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