Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 1.2 In anticipation of the royalties that are payable under clause 1.1a the Publisher agrees to make a single advance payment of to the Author on signature and return of this contract .
2 It makes an illuminating contrast having Ives 's much more idiosyncratic setting of At the River as well as Copland 's .
3 Then the reports began to flood in … a fair-haired , blue-eyed toddler of about the right age , always in the company of a Greek couple much too old to be his natural parents .
4 I was also immensely proud when Gavin Campbell , who fronted last week 's B B C D E C appeal , told me that words could not describe the tremendously high quality of Save The Children 's work in Malawi , Mozambique and Sudan , which he had recently visited in order to film for the D E C appeal .
5 But that end you ought to have had a firm , if not wholly clear idea of from the earliest thought you gave to your story .
6 The Avalonian orogeny of about the same age in Newfoundland , has been interpreted as involving the formation of a volcanic island arc and associated trench sediments on roughly north-south lines .
7 D do you predict that the the political nature of of the town at least wi will be will be changed in quite a fundamental way if and when the strike ends as a consequence of over this new ?
8 Michael Mail , second violinist with the Mellstock Quire , from an illustrated edition of Under the Greenwood Tree published by Tinsley for the Christmas market in 1875 .
9 The kitchen was an extremely warm and comfortable room of about the same size .
10 I 'm delighted that our old friends at Tesco , a founder corporate member of Save The Children , are once again lending their generous support .
11 That 's to say someone is leaving and we are going to take that post out and put it into the food section , and on b , I would say to Matthew that before committing us to a budget of two and a half thousand against a background of ten percent cuts , I would suggest that the health educational help-line and their day-long courses for E H Os might be made good use of in the forth-coming year .
12 The floodgates were now open and it is from here that the reverse sequence of On the Look-Out commences .
13 Now it 's my very great pleasure to I think probably introduce the youngest member of our audience here today and a very good supporter of Save The Children erm I am sitting down soon beside Elise who 's travelled all the way from Norwich .
14 it would have gone to either the sales manager or the regional managing director of the Eastern region of at the time
15 But when the woman she had given Cara 's card to hove into view her heartbeats steadied , for the person who accompanied her was not male but was a pinafore-clad woman of about the same age who , duster in hand , had obviously been brought away from her cleaning duties .
16 The demoralisation generated by the occupation was taken full advantage of by the Communists to establish a socialist republic .
17 Those who work in our shops , those who arrange events , those who collect great and small sums of money from companies and from individuals , are all playing a vital part in the continuing work of Save The Children Fund .
18 In saying this , I do not overlook the enormous amount of on the whole useful and imaginative work on a new-style curriculum undertaken by the Schools Council .
19 It was just one aspect of the continuing legacy of Round The Horne .
20 Long-run stability of V. The main claim of monetarists is that the velocity of circulation ( V ) is relatively stable over the longer run , and any changes that do occur are the predictable outcome of institutional changes , such as the increased availability and use of credit cards .
21 I mean , AIDS is a very very small part of of the death toll .
22 The first term is the optimal level of in the one shot game , the second is the benefit from the effect has on future state variables .
23 I do n't get red , I 've never have done I , its only sort of over the past sort of half year , and I do n't know why , they never started , started to go red
24 It embraces the remains of a mediaeval well and has been made most aesthetic use of by the present owners of the manor as an interesting garden feature where flowering colours splash against the solid , more sombre stonework .
25 The Scottish Council is pleased to acknowledge the support of the Clydesdale Bank PLC in arranging the two-year secondment of to the Business Development Unit .
26 They too , spoke enthusiastically about , for example , the opportunities offered by The Machine Gunners for emotional empathy with the world of the child versus the world of the adult ; the emotional pleasure pupils frequently found in empathizing with Billy 's relationship with the hawk , and the themes and topics raised by Kes ; the complex nature of the link between humans and animals offered as a theme in The Red Pony ; the thematic possibilities of the Irish location of Across the Barricades together with its handling of prejudice ; and the understanding of allegory and its special features which might be well illustrated by a reading of Animal Farm .
27 Both letters refer to a small section of between the end of the footway and the start of the flood bank proper .
28 He then assumes that for each country the rate of growth of aggregate demand or nominal spending has followed a very simple process ; that is , where is the rate of growth of the ith country 's nominal spending , is the mean value of over the whole period , and is the deviation of from its mean .
29 It is in the shared interest of of the parties I 'm describing that this county should be able to attract and accommodate er inward investment of strategic significance to help the people of this county find the due employment that they need .
30 be nice sort of in the bath at night .
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