Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] while at the " in BNC.

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1 Such arrangements are not easy to achieve , not all field officers managed to deploy their technical expertise while at the company , and some firms were cautious about commercial confidentiality .
2 Their visits break many of the established patterns of human/dolphin encounter : they accept gifts of dead fish ( one theory is that the dolphins receive the fish as a signal from humans that they have come to play and interact ) , and they maintain their own social grouping while at the same time allowing close human contact .
3 There were conflicts within individuals who found themselves looking nostalgically to their own tribal past while at the same time wanting to be part of the newly emerging social and economic order .
4 The word ‘ EXCHANGE ’ transposes the intellectual exchange of ideas into a commercial context while at the same time ‘ highlighting ’ the signifier , the letters on the sign of a bureau de change .
5 Accepting shareholders will be attracted by an offer of preference shares which are convertible into ordinary shares in due course as they will be able to receive current fixed income while at the same time having the prospect of a capital gain in due course .
6 A more advanced technique involves camouflaging the real eye while at the same time making the false eye truly spectacular , with a huge black ‘ pupil ’ surrounded by a bright white eye-ring .
7 What happens when the man who for decades faithfully served the absolute regime while at the same time understanding the need to revolt against it , becomes the head of it ?
8 So too is Homi Bhabha 's scepticism about the way cultural theory uses the ‘ Other ’ to deconstruct ‘ the epistemological ‘ edge' ’ of the West' ; the problem being that ‘ the ‘ ‘ Other' ’ is cited , quoted , framed , illuminated , encased in the shot-reverse-shot strategy of a serial enlightenment' while at the same time losing ‘ its power to signify , to negate , to initiate its ‘ ‘ desire' ’ , to split its ‘ ‘ sign' ’ of identity , to establish its own institutional and oppositional discourse' .
9 At the front , two high curved windows gave a view of the square garden while at the rear one huge expanse of glass looked out over a stone wall with three niches , each containing a marble statue ; Venus , naked , one hand delicately shielding the mons Veneris , one pointing at her left nipple , a second female figure , half robed and wearing a wreath of flowers and , between them , Apollo with his lyre , laurel-crowned .
10 They are most useful in education , because students are able to get a fast turn-round while at the same time learning the principles of operation of a particular software package , and in draft map production , where a cartographer is experimenting with different map designs .
11 In 1978 for example the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) passed a resolution calling for government action to promote technological change while at the same time ameliorating the impact of such change on existing employment .
12 6/Colour applied flat , the whole idea was to keep the drawing as a flat pattern while at the same time giving a certain degree of depth .
13 One of the most destructive of all emotions , guilt can inflict real damage upon both the physical and mental health while at the same time causing us to feel that we may have irretrievably lost our spiritual path .
14 From the beginning , Frohnmayer seemed to be trying to please the avant-garde artistic community while at the same time proclaiming his own high moral stance he actually is the possessor of a degree in Christian ethics from the University of Chicago .
15 This neglect of stock-flow equilibrium relationships is equally conspicuous in the treatment of the process of capital formation : in common with all short-run macroeconomic models , the IS-LM system posits a constant stock of physical capital while at the same time permitting the rate of net investment to vary .
16 Using a slight pushing action , he shifts the weight on to the extended right leg while at the same time skipping with his left foot towards the extended right leg and almost simultaneously jumping off the ground with the right leg .
17 Barthes 's approach to S/Z has the merit of respecting the individual play of a given text while at the same time relying on the general concept of the scriptible and the lisible to do so .
18 aporias — because they seem to be at once the results of a communal enterprise while at the same time bearing witness to the fact that this enterprise never existed except as the inhuman reverse side of two opposed actions in which each aims to destroy the other .
19 With the increase of tension between universal education and differential provision , the special qualities of the new English ( under the hegemony of English literature ) for securing the sense of a common culture while at the same time being suited to differential application across the range of educational sectors , caused the Board to look very kindly on the fledgling discipline and to give a great deal of support to its advancement in schools .
20 In their election manifestos , Labour , and to some extent also the Liberals , have professed loyalty to the arm's-length principle while at the same time proposing to set up large culture ministries on the continental European model .
21 Over the next months , rival consortia considered how to finance the new investment while at the Transport Department we could do little more than wait .
22 On one hand the public demands ever more complex and advanced technology while at the same time mistrusting and denigrating the scientific/technological base that helps to produce today 's high standard of living in the developed world .
23 They also enabled women to challenge male professional power while at the same time implicating them in coercive class regulation .
24 Example 44 is from ‘ Vissi d'arte ’ in Tosca at a point where the orchestra plays the melody ( small notes ) while the singer weaves a web of narration in different ways — reciting , joining the orchestral melody , forming a decorative counter-melody , etc. — all within the space of a few bars : There is great skill here , yet nobody seems to have recognized it for what it really is — the solution for preserving melodic and formal unity while at the same time using words with freedom and flexibility .
25 The radiation from this explosion would have sterilized all the planets of the Solar System while at the same time creating a huge , expanding shell of gases .
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