Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] i had [art] " in BNC.

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1 But on my way through the old garden I had a strange feeling that something was wrong , and I ran back upstairs to check that Miss Havisham was all right .
2 Turning to face Luce , his hands thrust into the pockets of his beige trousers , he went on , ‘ Last year I decided it was high time I had a wife and family .
3 So , I used the ship 's sails , rope , and pieces of wood , and after a lot of hard work I had a very fine tent .
4 I carried out stone from the cave , and after many days ' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill .
5 ‘ When I was a little girl I had a rag doll … the only doll I ever owned . ’
6 ‘ When I was a little girl I had a rag doll … the only doll I ever owned . ’
7 As I sat in my comfortable chair I had a very strange feeling .
8 At first I could n't see them , but when I heard a little quack I had a close look and saw them all there huddled together and trying to keep warm .
9 And then in the , where the bath used to be , in this little bathroom I had the cooker and the washer that 's it , I made it into a little kitchen so
10 Good job I had a good pair of drawers on .
11 Good job I had a four card had nothing else
12 My subject was French history , and although my focus was on a relatively obscure piece of ecclesiastical history I had the good fortune to work with the most genial and scholarly of humanists , Professor Alfred Cobban of the University of London .
13 In the spare bedroom I had a demountable work-bench with a vice and an array of small tools .
14 One particular day I had a skinful of them .
15 yes , I mean they do do some of this in the big catalogue I had a look
16 For incidental music I had the haunting , almost human song of a seal choir which rose above the incessant roar of distant surf .
17 Whether it was that in that heightened state I had a premonition of what was to follow , or was simply recalling Dennis 's corpse-like stupor in the next room , I felt a perverted thrill , as though I were desecrating the most holy altar of all .
18 In wounded puzzlement I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after Dunkirk , when Leslie had referred to the projected formation of a parachute corps , and to service in it as ‘ absolute certain death ’ in a ‘ suicide squad ’ .
19 On our way to the oasis of Bahriyah in the western desert I had a misadventure with my hat .
20 The other day I had a visit from the ‘ music man ’ who told me that I needed a licence to play music in my shop .
21 ‘ When I crossed Swilcan Bridge I had a feeling of … , ’ he recalled that evening in his lodgings , ‘ … how do I say it ? ’
22 For one wild , mad moment I had a picture of myself strutting glamorously up the aisle on a jumbo jet , flying to exotic faraway places .
23 Sure look at the night , Saturday night he came round to our door , big black stain said you 're alright man , I was , you 're alright man I had a half bottle of cider er er
24 Oh I was massive man I had a double chin an'all .
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