Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And now a subtle change was coming over the two hundred and fifty watching children in the audience .
2 If a social and political decision is taken against tobacco products and cigarettes , clearly there is a social and political responsibility to find other forms of employment for those people .
3 Here is an example of a political decision being taken at the highest level by an elected government which nevertheless felt itself to be more or less powerless in relation to a large transnational company .
4 Instead of a person looking across the room to the door there is a groping in the dark so that a painstaking progress is made towards the door through constant reference to each piece of furniture .
5 In the rabbit population , on the other hand , the balance of economic advantage is shifted towards those individual rabbits that are big spenders on equipment for running fast .
6 First , their ‘ basic ’ economic function is supplemented by a major role in economic restructuring .
7 Probably , in terms of company drive , this product was the sacred cow of all sacred cows and yet the economic tide was flowing against us .
8 In England , the complete technique was applied to serious music ; in September 1935 Elisabeth Schumann recorded both parts of the Evening Prayer from Humperdinck 's Hansel und Gretel .
9 In Eastern Europe , meanwhile , new nation states are being formed out of the debris of the old system and nationalist feeling is exceptionally strong , and it is an open question whether some of these states will in due course be incorporated in an enlarged EC or perhaps in some still wider , but as yet only vaguely conceived , ‘ European homeland ’ ( to use Gorbachev 's expression ) .
10 ‘ A file will in due course be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions , ’ said a spokeswoman .
11 Nor , in an atmosphere of reluctance , can the initiator be confident that a participator 's initial dependence on other people 's ideas and energy will in due course be turned into well-informed independence .
12 The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance .
13 While some would be used as breeding earths , others would in due course be used as hideaways as vixens brought their young from areas where they had been disturbed .
14 When the Poles finally repulsed the Russian counter-attack , they sponsored an independent bourgeois republic , which in due course was recognized by Moscow .
15 The ANC later described the de Klerk timetable as unacceptable and , rejecting his view that at least nine months of administrative preparation were required for elections , continued to press for elections to be held before the end of 1993 .
16 However , total regional support was downgraded as both levels of support and areas granted regional status were reduced .
17 These may shape the activities of unions , so that their political manoeuvring is based on clientelist relationships , rather than class relationships .
18 In RENFE , by contrast , political manoeuvring was internalized within the organization , so that the management process itself was politicized .
19 Shevardnadze visited the Abkhaz capital Sukhumi on Nov. 11 and assured local reporters that the new Georgian parliament was committed to ending the conflict as soon as possible .
20 IN A normal year Franco Kasper , the International Ski Federation 's secretary , would be at Saalbach in the Austrian mountain heartland today , running a critical eye over the brand new downhill course being tested in World Cup before next season 's World Championships .
21 The supreme example of spiny defence is shown by the porcupine fish , a small inflatable creature that can puff itself up into a prickly sphere , either with an intake of water when under the surface , or with air when it has been caught and removed from the sea .
22 In that country for many years organisation at the social , cultural and political level was founded upon a system of ideological blocs .
23 Just as a tall building is constructed in layers , so our personalities , emotional characteristics and complexities are built up with the present as the top storey .
24 The Social Affairs and Labour Ministry was split into a new Labour Ministry under former Minister of State for Defence , Brig.
25 A unit-linked endowment is linked to units in a fund of stocks and shares .
26 The single-storey building is designed in an oval with a church in the centre , rather like a traditional African village where the chief 's house would be in the middle .
27 The parsing algorithm is based on chart-parsing techniques and works breadth-first across the input .
28 In an experiment carried out by Anthony Arak , a zoologist from Cambridge University , the large calling male was removed from ten groups ; in eight cases the other group members dispersed .
29 The oral shield is separated from the first lateral arm plate by the wing-like adoral shields .
30 The oral shield is rounded with an acute proximal angle , it is separated from the first lateral arm plate by the wing-like adoral shields .
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