Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb -s] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where lava erupts from a single vent a low exogenous dome may be formed from a succession of flows , but basaltic lava flows so readily that such features will only develop on nearly level surfaces .
2 British Rail has so far totally failed to do so .
3 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
4 She is launching herself into Europe with at least as much conviction as any other British businessperson has so far shown .
5 The truth is that the East German leadership has so far shown all too few signs of wanting to change .
6 I welcome both the inquiries that the right hon. Gentleman has so speedily set up , but may I advise him that , if we do not get it right this time , we shall be at the Dispatch Box again to consider still more cases ?
7 Speaking earlier at the Asian Institute of Technology , WWF President Prince Philip said : " Thailand ratified the Convention in 1963 , but I 'm sorry to have to say that no enabling legislation has so far been enacted " .
8 The difference between the two poets corresponds ( not quite exactly , because the nature and history of French verse differs so greatly from English ) to the distinction that the French make between vers libre and vers libéré ; between , we may say , free verse and freed verse .
9 This post-Freudian , materialist reinterpretation of sexual deviance diverges so considerably from the sexological/psychoanalytic tradition that perversion comes to signify quite differently .
10 And of the party in the Fifties : ‘ the Great Debate in British socialism has so far consisted in one side talking nonsense and the other side keeping mum . ’
11 Large pieces of timber take some considerable time to come to equilibrium with the surrounding humidity and , because the English weather changes so often , there was generally no time to build up dangerous differences in swelling strains so that we had comparatively little trouble from this cause , so long as the aircraft were in this country .
12 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
13 The relevance of such multiple sensory realities to conventional evolutionary theory has so far remained unconsidered .
14 Such a double-fisted attack has so far posed no extraordinary problems for librarians , but a series of events over the last few years illustrates that the issue of the law and censorship could become a major problem in the management of libraries .
15 Midori Suzuki , spokesperson for FCT , reported that the Japanese public has so far been denied access to cable TV ( CATV ) , but she outlined some possibilities for access in the future .
16 Economic reform has so far meant that Poles can gaze in wonderment at now well-stocked meat stalls they have no money to buy from .
17 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
18 Our starting point for analysing structure happens to have been with an exercise , the form of drama popularised by Brian Way , and yet little attempt has so far been made by him or by anyone else to show how these apparently slight adjustments within the structure of the exercise can seriously affect the outcome .
19 it is clear that the machinery of representative parliamentary democracy has so far proved unsuitable as the mechanism for translating personal preferences into day-to-day practice .
20 ‘ Just like the old days , sir , ’ said Bill , as he staggered out on to the pavement with the long-disused queue signs so long , in fact , that he had had to alter the prices .
21 As their mental control goes so too does their technique .
22 However , his search for alternative employment has so far met with no success .
23 But the European Commission has so far shown no signs of stopping or even slowing down the HDMAC development programme .
24 Medical opinion has so far been divided on the precise relationship of nicotine to such conditions as cardiovascular disease and oral cancer , with many experts considering tar and carbon monoxide to be the most toxic substances in tobacco .
25 It 's a horrible experience because the the through traffic goes so fast erm , so anybody who actually does n't know quite what you have to do .
26 Nevertheless , the rewritten version conforms so closely to the original , with just isolated words changed , that it can not reasonably be called a paraphrase .
27 Research on the development of various types of psychiatric disorder has so far suggested that close relationships tend to play the most crucial role in increasing or decreasing vulnerability .
28 Does n't he care that nuclear energy has so far saved the world from burning five hundred million tons of coal ?
29 It is doubtful that the 1703 visitors were looking at ‘ pickle ’ since the anthropoid shell fits so tightly that no additional liquid could have been introduced .
30 Little systematic research has so far been undertaken into the relationship between subject studied and success for non-traditionally qualified students .
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