Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [subord] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some guides are indeed very brief , suggesting visits at breakneck speed where only a few items or rooms will be seen .
2 In the past , many researchers have tended to underplay the problems that arose in the process of research in case they affected the evaluation of their results , although there have been a few ex post disclosures in books intended to show social research as often a messy enterprise ( Bell and Newby 1977 ; Bell and Roberts 1984 ) .
3 He was joined by a young Londoner , Jonathan Goodchild , who rapidly moved from being Sharp 's assistant to art director in his own right , leaving Sharp a clear run as perhaps the underground 's most innovative illustrator .
4 Forty years ago , one of De Gaulle 's greatest admirers , the writer , Franois Mauriac , summed up typical French distrust after nearly a century of conflict by saying that he loved Germany so much that he was glad there were two of them .
5 Antiracists , on the other hand , will have to move beyond their reductive conceptions of culture and their fear of cultural difference as simply a source of division and weakness in the struggle against racism .
6 In our case , of course , it is a mature , open and enquiring critical mind that leads us to read on into the churls ' tales of " harlotrie " , not a degrading taste for such material and a lack of interest in : We might see the combination of the intrinsically low status of the Miller and the consequently low expectations of what he will produce with the sophistication of his narrative performance as simply an entertaining absurdity , or perhaps a burlesque , like Chauntecleer 's discursive pomp and display in the Nun 's Priest 's Tale .
7 What I do not need is to be awoken at 4 a.m. in the depths of winter , forced from my bed and summoned to gawp at an empty space where once a football stand stood .
8 Councillor Sandra Plummer from Camden and the Socialist Lesbian Group , speaking in one of the plenary sessions , argued that socialists have got to stop seeing lesbian liberation as just a civil liberties issue .
9 I really hope people do n't hype it as a Scottish thing 'cos then the pressure 's on . ’
10 They thus found particularly congenial the work of those anthropologists such as Bachofen , and again Morgan , who saw primitive kinship as almost a total reversal of the family as they knew it .
11 The status of the foreign minister as merely a high-ranking bureaucrat meant that the diplomats whom he directed , and in particular the heads of the more important Russian missions abroad , often looked on him as more or less an equal and hardly as a superior at all .
12 He said he had worked out his political philosophy while still a student : a belief in the free market , small business , and individual freedom through expansion of home ownership , and a commitment to the European Community .
13 There is evidence of a Roman settlement as quite a number of coins have been ploughed up relating to this period in history .
14 Schools , polytechnics and universities all have magazines and newspapers on which you may gain actual experience while still a student .
15 The rock is excellent , climbing quality equally so , and the grade and commitment are at a more amenable level than either the Old Man of Hoy or Am Buachaille .
16 To take the Liberals first , it had been a commonplace of political analysis over previous years to regard the Liberal vote as largely a product of temporary disillusion with the Tories following on periods of Tory government , as a protest vote .
17 Obviously , the short lives of all those babies and children will have a great effect in bringing down the average figure as even the least mathematical of us will be able to understand .
18 However , and it also has a down- side because now the contractors will be able to see the information which used to be confidential that local authorities will be putting on the table , but the point is it 's a chink , it 's a way forward we need to build on this .
19 And that schedule … later became a printed schedule and he had a very finely developed scenario where eventually a certain amount of equipment , particularly TOW missiles , would be sent to Iran , ( and ) hostages would be released …
20 In fact ‘ inadequate ’ is probably an understatement : they appeared to have been able to snap the ‘ high tensile steel ’ with consummate ease since only the broken end which clamps to the steering wheel was ever recovered .
21 If one believes the prediction of the inflationary cosmology , that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value above which it recollapses , then there must also be unclustered dark matter as even the dark matter in galaxies and clusters has too small a density to account for this .
22 An absolutely diabolical situation because then the the the local authorities that have continued to avoid doing what they ought to have done will be rubbing their hands with glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a moral social conscience will be put under tremendous pressure !
23 The work of Roland Barthes can be read in a similar way although both the style of his approach and the methods he uses are different .
24 The theory being propounded here sees the global system as primarily a capitalist global system and the main forces in it as the transnational corporations , transnational capitalist classes and the culture-ideology of consumerism .
25 Er and this of course er became er er a major domestic political crisis as well a difficult military situation , a difficult one to win .
26 We are making fast progress till suddenly a black van pulls out of a lane twenty yards ahead , brakes , and spills a sackful of coppers out the back .
27 To give an example : a leak in the roof of one 's garden shed would probably be seen as less in need of urgent action than exactly the same defect in the roof of one 's home or car .
28 Details of decorative paintwork were visible on his left side although only the lower portion of the work could be seen clearly .
29 This morphology does not lend itself to analysis after conventional staining since only a few of the autosomes show distinguishing features in the form of secondary constrictions ( Figure 3a ) and , of the sex chromosomes , only the Y of some strains can be recognized by virtue of occasionally visible unique features ( Figure 3a ) .
30 Jesus was and is the new Adam : not the unfallen Adam of innocent humanity restored , but the first of a redeemed and resurrected humanity — a greater and more gloriously human humanity than ever the first Adam knew .
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