Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 That is the right way forward for this country , the European Community and the wider Europe which I hope in due course will join the Community .
2 It is best to classify this as a prefix-suffix error : any corrective teaching should focus the children 's attention on the effect of -ing on words that end in -e .
3 Carl Wood , the chairman of the obstetrics and gynaecology department at Monash University , predicts that the freeze-thaw technique will reduce the number of surgical procedures needed to produce a pregnancy .
4 A lump-sum specific grant would change the budget line to 145 .
5 With the hood down my summer sun bleached hair might give the wrong message ?
6 I have resigned myself wholly to the will of God — and trust that you and my dear sister will do the same … for He does nothing without a cause .
7 Those interested in the services offered by the LX network at regional level should contact the LX in their locality .
8 Our findings suggest that this ‘ inappropriate ’ adrenergic response may facilitate the development of tachycardiomyopathy and could be a target for therapy .
9 By 1994 the principal is confident that every student on a full-time course will have the chance to visit a foreign country as part of their studies .
10 But games companies seem convinced that only the odd tomboy would enjoy the shoot outs and punch-ups of the average game .
11 Students who wish to enter a combined course must complete the first year satisfactorily , with passes in two units in each of the two subjects which they wish to combine .
12 A professional photographer will capture the chain of events , from the bride leaving her home to the cutting of the cake .
13 So no piece of information is too trivial for consideration : monster otaku may collect the names of the various actors who wore the rubber suits in an episode of Ultraman ( a trashy humanoid vs monster Japanese TV show , still watched on endless reruns ) and who were conspicuously shorter than in other shows ; ‘ idol ’ otaku may discover what university the father of Seventies teenybop star Hikaru Nishida attended .
14 An officer with private income might find the half-pay given to those no longer employed in active units an agreeable augmentation of his resources , which he might be content to draw for the remainder of his life .
15 For the past 10 years we 've been working on synthesising the chemical ; now we 're trying to see if the European Yew will provide the starter material for producing anti-cancer activity .
16 Neither the military nor the economic elite will allow the other elite to suffer or loose its position in this structure because their roles are complementary .
17 Any person with parental responsibility can remove the child at any time ( s20(8) ) although parents are expected to make " sensible arrangements … for terminating use of the service that will not mitigate against the child 's best interests " ( Guidance , vol 2 , para 3.28 ) .
18 As Hannah Arendt has shown , in times of crisis the existence of a formless mass can become the basis for a totalitarian dictatorship ; in times of prosperity it can lead to an all-encompassing smugness and self-satisfaction and to the existence of a regime which knows no criticism , no control and , above all , no real opposition and thus no arguments which contain alternatives .
19 Hyper-transfusion or even exchange transfusion with normal blood can lower the proportion of HbS sufficiently to greatly reduce the incidence of sickling crises , but this is most useful as a short-term measure , for example in pregnancy or as prophylaxis before and during major surgery .
20 It is an unrelieved black except for the white flanks but a watcher catching it in the right light might see the head has an iridescent purple sheen which can be striking .
21 In this formulation , while working-class struggle and political action may allow the state to act in ways which are inimical to the interests of specific sectors of capital , it is unlikely that any policies pursued will be inimical to capital in general .
22 And inside , the rat finds things out — though Christ knows how , no-one in their right mind would pass the time of day with him — and reports back to The Man . ’
23 No one in his right mind would call the Delinquents a memorable piece of work .
24 In 1956 two American physicists , Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang , suggested that the weak force does not in fact obey the symmetry P. In other words , the weak force would make the universe develop in a different way from the way in which the mirror image of the universe would develop .
25 Of the seats where the Liberal Democrats are second , there are 16 where Labour is a poor third and a switchover by the bulk of the Labour vote would give the Lib Dems victory .
26 The Thick Lipped Gourami may lack the iridescent splendour of its similarly-coloured relative , the Dwarf Gourami ( C. Ialia ) , but Colisa labiosa ) does have a more subtle beauty of its own .
27 Mr de Klerk said a solution to the rampant political violence should top the agenda at multi-party democracy talks set to resume next week after a 10-month hiatus .
28 At later hearings he defended this decision quite vigorously , saying that the narrow boat would remain the basic unit on an improved canal as being the most convenient for loading the collecting areas , all served by narrow canals .
29 In the Criminal Justice Act 1991 , it was made clear that whatever penalty is imposed must be commensurate with the seriousness of the offence , but it remains to be seen whether this attempt to structure sentencing discretion by adopting an offence-based tariff will have the desired effect .
30 The patient 's pre-operative condition can indicate the likelihood of breathing related problems arising post-operatively .
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